Again Putting Flat Earth Idiots Out Of Their Misery: Excellent Videos Expose This "Flat Earth" Nonsense By Using Science And Mathematics!

I sometimes think I have to shut down my comment section... For I constantly get idiotic comments from the members of the "Flat Earth" gaggle of morons that have tried to slur or belittle me.... I have sent most of their comments to the spam bin or have absolutely laughed off their idiocy!   But they keep coming, and I see them as nothing more than fools who are trying to "poison the well" for real truth seekers...I came across the following two videos recently that I absolutely want to share with my readers... They are courtesy of a Youtube user named "CoolHardLogic", and are entitled: 'Testing Flattards" Parts I and II" and are a must see by everyone that uses common sense and logic and has not fallen for the Flat Earth bullshit!  Here are those videos here, and I have further thoughts and comments to follow:NTS Notes:  Again, anyone can use simple math and logic and understand through geometry that the world is indeed a spheroid.. It is not "perfectly round" of course as it is flattened out a bit at the poles and there are a few minor points on the planet that vary away from being perfectly round...I have also put up several articles previously that shows clear evidence as to what this flat earth nonsense is really all about, and I also  presented a great video that shows how Carl Sagan in his original Cosmos series, showed how a great Greek Mathematician, Eratosthenes, showed in the 3rd century BC how through simple mathematics and geometry that the world was indeed round... Heck, just for nostalgia, I want to present that video with Carl Sagan narrating here:I will state it clearly here as to what I perceive these flat earthers for... They are indeed out there to "poison the well" as I have long stated and to try to make real researchers and real truth seekers look ridiculous.. They have already tried to infiltrate the faked Apollo Moon missions crowd by putting out video after video claiming that the reason that man never went to the moon is due to the world being flat.. That of course is pure nonsense, but anyone who does not know better will link anyone that knows that NASA is a fraud and a bunch of liars to being "flat earthers!! ....That is therefore the real mission of the criminals behind this 'flat earth' nonsense... They want to have the ridiculous term "conspiracy theorist" turned into 'flat earther', with the same psychological goal in people to have them laugh them off......I am a man of science, and I base my own research on facts and not fiction... There are real lies out there, including the lies about NASA's space missions, the lies about "Global Warming", and of course the lies about our history... But for fools to claim that the biggest lie of all is that the world is not round but is "flat" is ludicrous and not based on fact.....Again, for those flat earth numbskulls that still want to try to come in here with their ridiculous comments and insults, I have no time for idiots and fools.... Take your nonsense elsewhere..More to comeNTS