Cooperation with Russia and Damascus Is Turkey’s Only Chance

I’ve been saying cooperation is a must for a very long time now..Sputnik

In a recent article for the Turkish newspaper Aydinlik, Ismail Hakki Pekin, former chief of the Turkish General Staff Intelligence Department, warned that Turkey is moving step by step to war.In an interview with Sputnik Turkiey, Pekin commented on his assumption, saying that Ankara has found itself in a difficult situation, particularly due to foreign pressure."The United States and Egypt are trying to force Turkey to make certain concessions, including establishing a Kurdish autonomous region in northern Syria and talks with the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) inside Turkey," Pekin said.

 Recall Egypt’s bizzare behaviour when the coup attempt in Turkey failed ? I do.

According to him, if such a Kurdish entity is established Ankara would be "encircled from the south" and will have to fight a "war on two fronts," against Daesh in Syria and against PKK inside the country.Pekin underscored that in order to achieve its goal, Washington is providing military and logistical support to the PKK, including supplying heavy weapons, anti-tanks missiles and armored combat vehicles."For Ankara, the only chance to derail this plan is to establish dialogue with Damascus and boost cooperation with Russia, Iran and Iraq," he said.Pekin underscored that Turkey should take as soon as possible certain measures to repel the threat.

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