And Yet Another Reason To NOT Have A "Facebook" Account: Facebook Is Toxic For Children, Teenagers, And Other Living Things

I spent yesterday doing some massive catching up on personal business and family needs.. It was necessary after spending a week on Antibiotics to clear my ear/nasal/throat infection... There has been so much happening over the last few days that I have missed... So once again I am playing 'catch up' here...For years now, I have received countless comments and emails asking me WHY I do not use any social media platforms, such as "Twitter" or "Facebook"... I have politely responded all the time that these are NOT as they appear to be, and especially in the case of the horrid "social media" network called "Facebook", it is being used as an information gathering program for criminal reasons against its users...People need to stop and realize that "Facebook" was based upon an Israeli spy program for gathering personal information on people, to eventually use that information against them....But when its original creators were unsuccessful in using it as a spy program, Mossad agent Mark Zuckerberg comes along and convinces them that he can make it work by turning it into a "social media" platform where gullible idiots would give their information away for free!  The sad part is that there are some 2 BILLION people around the world that have "Facebook" accounts today....Right now, I want to present an amazing article that comes from a fellow Canadian researcher and real truth seeker, Greencrow, who of course hails from the wilds of British Columbia, and writes the excellent blog "Greencrow As The Crow Flies" at This article is entitled: "Facebook Is Toxic For Children, Teenagers, And Other Living Things" and is a must read by everyone, especially those who indeed still have a "Facebook" account.... I have it right here in its entirety, and of course my own thoughts and comments to follow:

Friday, February 3, 2017

Facebook is Toxic for Children, Teenagers and other living things

Jolynn Winter, 12, left, and Chantel Fox, 12, centre, from the community of Wapekeka First Nation in Ontario, died by suicide in January. Chantel is survived by her twin sister, Chanel, pictured far right. (Supplied by the Winter and Fox families/CBC News)Regular readers will already know the opinion I have of popular communications silos like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram (whatever that is) etc.  I despise all of them.  It is so obvious that they are controlled by the same perps that are behind all the gatekeeping and social herding of the sheeple that then allow the cabal to perpetrate Deep State perpetual wars, false flags, geoengineering, genetic manipulation of food and DNA...pollution, vaccinations, etc.If people communicated directly and not in silos or bunkers...they would not be subjected to the mind games played on the vulnerable children in the photographs above.  Read the following report from today's CBC and you will see how children have been driven to suicide by Facebook.  I will have more thoughts and comments to follow:'Go kill yourself': Social media messages encourage Indigenous youth to commit suicide

WARNING: This story contains graphic content

By Jody Porter, CBC News Posted: Feb 03, 2017 5:00 AM ET Last Updated: Feb 03, 2017 12:03 PM ETA grief-stricken mother from a northern Ontario First Nation is sharing the hate-filled social media messages her 12-year-old daughter received on the day of her death by suicide, in hopes of saving the lives of other girls in her community."If I'd seen those earlier, if she showed them to me, I think I could have done something, tried to talk to her, not to believe those words," Sandra Fox told CBC News.Fox's daughter, Chantel, died by suicide early in January in Wapekeka First Nation, a few days after her friend, Jolynn Winter, also 12, died by suicide. Several other girls from the community, about 600 kilometres north of Thunder Bay, Ont., remain on suicide watch and at least two of them have also received messages encouraging them to kill themselvesA mental health counsellor who works with First Nations youth in the same area said that young people are too often using Facebook as a diary, which leaves them exposed and vulnerable."Sometimes people on social media just find your problems are entertainment, and I find that really sad," Valerie Ooshag said. "I've seen some nasty stuff on Facebook, like people telling people to kill themselves. It's just horrible."Creating youth centres in First Nations where young people can reach out for help to mental health counsellors in person could help curb the problem of children revealing too much online, she said.Since those resources aren't available in Wapekeka or Eabametoong, where Ooshag works, she offered these words of advice to young people who may be tempted to reveal their suicidal thoughts online:"There are people that care about you that will listen to you, not just reading it on a Facebook status," she said....

Children of the "social media generation" were raised by IPads, Tablets and Facebook style communication silos.  In a twisted way, Facebook is their "parent"...their confessor and their adviser.  It's sick, I know.  But that is their perception...not knowing anything different.  I've heard Facebook sometimes being called "crackbook" and, after reading stories like the one above it appears that Facebook is as deadly as crack cocaine. You know, if the b@$tards who were telling these youngsters to commit suicide were making anti-Semitic remarks to Jewish people...the Facebook "authorities" would be on them like a junebug...and cancel their posting they cancelled Truther PeeKay Truth's You Tube privileges the other day when he posted some debunking of the latest Australian False Flag.So we know that Facebook/Google can locate and control these @$$holes in a heartbeat if they really wanted to.  Just like Google/Blogger could stop all the spam that keeps infesting my blog (some of it pornographic) if they really wanted to.  This begs the question...why doesn't Facebook/Google maintain "family values" on the Internet?  They could if they wanted to.  An old saying comes to mind..."If they wanted to..they would."  This applies to almost every human activity you can name.  The flip side is..."they don't want to."  Perhaps it suits their purposes/agenda/long term have trolls/spammers/and diabolical commenters on the forums.  Perhaps there is some benefit to them if youngsters in remote communities commit suicide...if Truth Tellers are harassed and silenced...if families are destroyed by suicides.  They say that the Satanists feast on bad karma.Now, I'm not suggesting that the Facebook taunts were the only reason these children killed themselves...not by a long shot.  As I have said in previous posts on this topic, I believe a major cause is an ongoing subculture of rampant child sexual abuse and incest in aboriginal communities.  There is such a taboo on this pedophilia and criminality that the only way the child victims can vent is self harm.  And this is what they're doing in epidemic numbers.  The Facebook taunts could be being put on Facebook by the perpetrators...trying to eliminate the "evidence" of their perversions.  Certainly the police should investigate whether or not this is the case.And, of course, Facebook and the other communication silos should stop exploiting children and start protecting them!Posted by greencrow at 11:10 AM NTS Notes:  I see that at least one other researcher here in Canada feels the same way about "Facebook" as I do....This is so sad, but honestly, I could see this coming.. "Facebook" and other "social media" platforms are indeed heavily influencing the minds of people, and young people are especially susceptible to that influence.... I find it astounding that there are not more red flags raised over this issue and how the criminal "social media" platform "Facebook" is indeed guiding the lives of our children! I also agree with Greencrow in that "Facebook" itself probably was NOT directly responsible for the deaths of those children, but once again it apparently had some heavy influence in that horrible decision...I hope I need not repeat this again... If you do have a "Facebook" account, shut the damn thing down and close any links to that garbage.... It is time to put that spy program out of its misery..More to comeNTS