Another Great Researcher Has Been Silenced By The Criminal Jewish Elite!

I am deeply perturbed today.... I have been following the works of a great researcher out of Jewish occupied Australia for years now, Peekay Truth, and only just today I discovered that he has been muzzled and now silenced by the Jewish criminals that have occupied and subjugated Australia for decades...Here is a great video from Peekay Truth (Also known as Peekay22) out of Melbourne Australia, that explains how he has been put under duress by these bastards and has now been forced to shut down his Youtube channels and has been muzzled from doing his truthful research into the fraud "shootings" and other hoaxes that have been all over the Jew spew media ....I have looked closely for the last two weeks into that ridiculous Melbourne "attack" that the criminals reported to have caused the "deaths" of some 5 or 6 victims while "injuring" others... And everything points clearly to the fact that it was indeed a set up and a massive fraud... Therefore, apparently the criminals in charge of Australia do indeed want to destroy Peekay to prevent his research from getting out exposing that attack as the massive fraud it is on the people of Australia...What has now happened to Peekay is very reminiscent of what happened to Brendan O'Connell out of Perth Australia several years back when he was arrested by the Australian thought police on laughably fraudulent charges of "inciting hate" and was found guilty in an Australian kangaroo court and thrown into prison .... Brendan O'Connell is now forced to live in exile in Iran, where true freedom actually does exist!I for one have always been a supporter of the real truths and will always support fellow researchers who expose the criminality of the Jewish elite that want to see us all enslaved.... I do hope that everyone goes over to Peekay22 at Youtube and give this brave man your support as well...More to comeNTS