PBC News & Comment: Trump Reverses Obama on Keystone, Dakota Pipelines

Trump signs orders reversing Obama decisions on Keystone and Dakota pipelines, enriching himself while claiming to be an environmentalist…--in fear of Trump reprisals, CDC cancels climate change conference
--petty and narcissistic, Trump repeats proven lie that “millions” of immigrants voted against him in November, and Spicer cites false evidence in support
--embattled FBI Director Comey says Trump has said he won’t be fired
--Trump and his echo monkey, Sean Hannity, have touted Foxconn’s plan to employ 30,000 Americans in the US, but it’s downgraded from “promise” to “wish”
--Trump’s hiring freeze could seriously impede his deportation threats
--shortly after the inauguration, Trumpers at HUD canceled a planned cut in mortgage insurance rates, costing average borrower $1,250 a year more
--here’s a list of the Democrats who voted to confirm Mike Pompeo as CIA boss
--Trump’s man to kill Obamacare, Rep. Tom Price, grossly understated the value of pharma stock that he bought, then promoted legislation in the company’s interests
--2 journalists were arrested while covering inauguration, face felony charges
--with expected approval from Trump, Netanyahu approves 2,500 more illegal housing units on Palestinian land
--Trump promise to move US embassy to Jerusalem is on slow track
--Senate Dems take Trump pledge on infrastructure and offer $1 trillion bill, seen as way to divide GOP
--at DNC chair candidate forum, no candidate would admit that DNC screwed Sanders
--in step revealing possible presidential ambitions, NY Gov. Cuomo plans to widen access to contraception and abortion
--desperate Dems promote Caroline Kennedy for House, Senate or President
--our new Stingray expert, “Benny” sends CNN report confirming that spooks can remotely turn on your cellphone to track it
--some movement in Syrian peace talks held without US in Kazakhstan
--Trump White House has shut down public comment line, temporarily, they say; in the meantime, activists have set up here