PBC News & Comment: Millions of Women Rally Worldwide Against the Pussy Grabber

As Trump displays paranoia about small inauguration crowds, millions of women engage in peaceful protest of Donald’s misogyny and hate….--TV networks covered the crowd more than the event, ignoring powerful speakers like Angela Davis (text here) in favor of Madonna and Ashley Judd’s rants
--pro-lifers and female Trump voters weren’t welcome, and George Soros is their bogeyman, according to self-described "liberal feminist" Muslim woman who voted for Trump
--if these had been peace marches, would corporate media cover them? On Feb. 15, 2003, 10 million people marched worldwide, ignored then and now
--listener Dick Atlee notes that last November, 20 million Muslims marched in opposition to Islamic State, but US media ignored them, too
--my warnings about government surveillance drew corrective comments from a listener we’ll call “Benny”, who knows the operations side of Stingray
--CBS launches new reality show, Hunted, that normalizes domestic surveillance, as contestants try to win $250,000 for evading capture
--Trump shows Nixon-style paranoia about media and other “enemies” and sends new press secretary to push lies labeled “alternative facts”
--at first press briefing, Sean Spicer tweaks networks that reported Trump’s lies by calling on everybody else first
--Trump dances on the grave of TPP, says he will renegotiate NAFTA, but Public Citizen has some questions
--lawsuit filed over Trump’s violations of Emoluments Clause, and complaint is filed over lease for Trump’s DC hotel that bars involvement by elected officials
--WikiLeaks invites leakers to turn over Trump’s tax returns, since he won’t
--despite clear precedents, Office of Legal Counsel papers over the laws that bar Jared Kushner from working in White House
--8-member Supreme Court declines to hear appeal of ruling blocking the strict voter-photo ID law in Texas, invalidating it for now
--NY Times Public Editor explains why the paper chose not to report the unverified material in the Trump dossier, but did run CIA’s unverified material, and endorsed it
--after Obama’s final bombing raids in Libya, he changed the policy to limit Trump’s options for similar operations
--following ugly brawls in the parliament, Turkey nears approval of dictatorship for Erdogan