Madonna and the Pussy Hats.. Updated!

A personal indulgence- Perception management, memes and catapulting propaganda Hats figure large in NGO backed feminist movements. Bright coloured, eye catching hats as props. Pussy Riot “rocked” the Balaclava- AllegedlyShould we expect the return of “Pussy Riot” Will Pussy Riot wear Pussy Hats in a rebranded/relaunch/ reappearance? Because surely these  girl power skanks will be back to "fight" the Donald! I suspect the Pussy hat was chosen to replant the propaganda..Women complain about being objectified, but then they objectify themselves?Willingly employ or turn themselves into products (Pussy Riot) loaded with sexual connontations Garish "pussy hat"Josie and the Pussy Hats?“Long tails, ears for hats”Playboy bunnies- Ears for hatsSmall foundation founded in 1964 by Playboy head Hugh Hefner. Provided the $5,000 seed money for the founding of marijuana lobby NORML in 1970. Co-financier of George Soros' Drug Policy Alliance.  Madonna doing her best Madonna/Whore presentation- Allegedly empowering woman while dropping the ‘f bomb’ several times.. And telling Donald to "suck a dick"- Yah, that's powerful!  Madonna is a brand. She has repackaged herself. Again. "Madonna really is the Queen of All Media"

"She's also a businesswoman. She knows what she's doing – she's on top of the latest trends in the music industry and the fashion industry and in business and in media and technology. She's smart."

The Queen of the Media" Trying to be relevant. Keeping her brand viable.  Shameless. 

 “If you vote for Hillary Clinton, I will give you a blow job — and I am good.”  “I not a douche. I’m not a tool. I take my time,” she continued, much to the displeasure of any of her children who have internet access. “I have ... eye contact and I do swallow.”

Perhaps Madonna should have worked harder at keeping her vote Clinton promise?  That's all there is to her involvement-  Sales and Promotion. She's using her celebrity status to dupe the gullible. Yes, that's exactly how I see the pussy hat protestors: Gullible Dupes. Manipulated Masses. Useful idiots. As a woman... I will humbly state that is my opinion. Hell, I'll say it again-These protestors are nothing more then gullible dupes. Manipulated Masses. Think FEMEN- Remember them?

FEMEN is not a group that benefits women.The NATO media calls them a 'protest' group. They are not.Sometimes the media calls them a feminist group. I can go along with that if we agree the 'feminist' movement which had it's origin with Gloria Steinam (see video embedded in Femen post)  & the CIA, was created to weaken/destabilize our society.  I can agree with the term 'feminist' in that context. Any other distortion of reality- empowering women or freeing women is pure delusion

And finally... For the pink headed pussycats...What's new pussyhats!

“Pussycat, pussycat, I've got flowersAnd lots of hours to spend time with youSo go and powder your cute little pussycat nosePussycat, pussycat, I love you yes I doYou and your pussycat noseWhat's new pussycat whoaWhat's new pussycat whoa oh ohPussycat, pussycat, you're so thrillingAnd I'm so willing to care for youSo go and make up your big little pussycat eyesPussycat, pussycat, I love you yes I doYou and your pussycat eyes....”

Me signing off with eyes rolling, while shaking my head in disgust-  Just more divide to conquer! I despise identity politics!!!!Update begins: Long term readers here know I have issues with garbage dumpers- They're despicable!When I go anywhere, anywhere at all, my policy regarding garbage is simple- If there is a garbage can, I use it.  If no garbage can is available this is what I do: If I bring it in- I take it home!   Always.  I do not throw Tim Horton's cups. (Cause I don't drink that swill, but, I see lots of them littering parks everywhere)-  Or water bottles- Nor wrappers of any kind.  On the ground. Anywhere. Ever!!I've hiked in the woods for extensive periods of time- If I have a stainless steel water bottle it comes back to the car- If I have a water bottle- I compact it, roll it up, put the lid on it and take it back to my car - then take it home! Ditto for wrappers.- Of course I was disgusted to read that the women marchers- who apparently have no use for our environment left all their placards, for others to clean up! RT:

 They may have attracted the headlines, but the anti-Trump protesters who attended the massive Women’s March in Washington DC, are now drawing criticism for abandoning their placards at landmarks and on the capital’s streets.

Many others however, were critical of the move, describing it as selfish littering. “I guess the environment or personal responsibility isn't something they're concerned about,” Conservative blogger The GOP report wrote on Twitter.

 There is NO EXCUSE for leaving litter in the form of redundant signs being left all over the placeAnd I read some of the excuse makers, making excuses, on the twitter feeds-Trash is trash and it should be dealt with appropriately by the one that brung it! Get it!

Seeing this pic all over time lines. How can leaving signs as trash all over be 'beautiful'?? - "Beautiful end to the #WomensMarch"— FionaRavenHunter (@LisaFlanery) January 22, 2017

I get idea of leaving #WomensMarch signs @ Trump Hotel & White House, but who do we think will have to clean this up? FYI not Trump.— Joseph Kitchen (@josephlkitchen) January 22, 2017

Members of the #WomensMarch : Don't leave a mess like this for faceless "others" to clean up. Pitch in. Lend a hand.— Suzanne Lucero (@S_Lucero) January 22, 2017

I don't appreciate protestors leaving their signs behind. What about the environment?— Kimberly (@OhHeyKim) January 22, 2017

The mess many women left after the #WomensMarch. I guess the environment or personal responsibility isn't something they're concerned about

 And I read some of the twitter feeds where marchers made very poor excuses for their litteringI mentioned my grudge with garbage in this 2014 post:

Elite approved 'climate change' protests vs all other non-elite approved protests


Climate change protesters who marched through Manhattan are branded hypocrites for leaving litter strewn across the city

Look at the images included! (I hate garbage thrown around so much so that I will carry my trash back to my home if I cannot dispose of it appropriately)  But, hey they waved their placards and marched along with the OWO psychopaths and actors

The so called women's rights persons, wore their stupid hats, waved their placards and then did the same thing- left there garbage for others to clean up!