Dr. Liza’s organisation Fair Aid will continue her charitable work in Donbass and beyond

The tragic plane crash near Sochi that claimed the lives of the majority of the Alexandrov choir, the flight crew and young journalists, also claimed the life of Elizaveta Glinka, known affectionately around the world as “Dr. Liza”.
If there was ever anyone who deserved to live into old age, it was her. Her charitable works helped give the gift of life to children in war zones, and to the weak, the vulnerable and the exploited. Today, her organisation Fair Aid, confirmed that they will continue to operate and carry forward Dr. Liza’s mission to aid those in need.
Initially trained in Moscow as a paediatric anaesthetist, she became involved in hospice work in the United States where she temporarily relocated in 1986. She continued to work in hospices in Russia before relocating to Kiev in 2010 where the state of government corruption saw hospital facilities lacking crucial medical supplies.
Even prior to the coup of 2014, Dr. Liza did for ordinary people what the Ukrainian government even in 2010, could not do.
Her most recent work has been with the children of Donbass who have experienced utter hell at the hands of the fascist invaders. She helped airlift injured children to the best hospitals in Russia and arranged for the delivery of crucial medicines and aid packages to the besieged Republics of Donetsk and Lugansk.
When she perished she was on her way to Syria to do for the children of liberated Aleppo what she did and planned on continuing to do for those in Donbass.
The world is a much poorer place for losing such a selfless and kind woman. It is important that Fair Aid will continue her work. I personally wish them all the best and wish too for a speedy end to the fascist aggression against the people of Donbass. Peace and prosperity returning to this fabled region will ultimately be the greatest tribute those left standing can pay to a woman I called The Angel of Donbass, even prior to her tragic death.
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