PBC News & Comment: Yahoo Reports Billion-user Hack, as NBC Fingers Putin for Alleged Election Hacks

--Everybody’s been hacked at Yahoo! And NBC says Putin personally directed distribution of stolen files, based on more official leaks….--Russian officials say it’s “nonsense”
--NY Times editorial lectures Trump to join their group think, saying his denial of Russian hacking claims leave him isolated
--Obama delayed blaming Russia for DNC hack because he didn’t want to appear to be meddling in the election to help Clinton
--at The Intercept, Jeremy Scahill discloses that DNI James Clapper, the proven perjurer, has a blog called “Intercept” , where commenters support 4th Amendment
--GOP resistance surfaces to making John Bolton #2 at State Dept.
--GOP powermongers in North Carolina use lame duck session to try to limit power of incoming Democratic governor after month-long post-election fight
--in Louisiana, Republican lawmaker sues to block Dem governor’s LGBTQ order
--in Aleppo, evacuations are reported to be underway
--after strongman Duterte’s bragging that he personally killed drug suspects, Philippine senators talk impeachment
--in retrial federal prosecutors plan to add terrorism claims to case against Palestinian American activist Rasmea Odeh, reports Kevin Gosztola
--Facebook tries to limit fake news posts without overt censorship