PBC News & Comment: Intelligence Veterans Dismiss “Russia Hacking” Reports

Intel veterans, including former NSA technical director Bill Binney, dismiss the overheated reports of Russian hacking to elect Trump….--read the experts’ statement here
--Robert Parry’s commentary is here
--Obama tells Trevor Noah he believes Russian hacking claims, and says Trump is “flying blind” without daily CIA briefings
--Obama will preserve Senate report on CIA torture, but keep it secret for at least 12 years
--at Shadowproof, Kevin Gosztola is recapping Obama’s legacy, and today he focuses on drone assassination policies
--Trump names Exxon boss Rex Tillerson Secretary of State, dumbass Rick Perry to run Energy Dept. and deportation lobbyist Lora Ries to post at Homeland Security
--common denominator for Trump and his appointees: rich people with major conflicts of interest
--NY Times editorial notes that GSA lease on new Trump hotel in DC bars any elected official from owning the lease
--Newsweek examines major conflicts of interest for Trump in Philippines and Turkey
--Justice Breyer is lone voice on Supreme Court calling for end to death penalty
--crude oil pipeline in North Dakota spews 176,000 gallons of crude oil, 150 miles from Standing Rock
--as Syria regains control of flattened Aleppo, US brags it has smitten 3 IS leaders in Raqqa in recent weeks
--affirming the predictions of opponents of Brazil’s impeachment coup, lawmakers approve austerity package to freeze social spending for 20 years