Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, December 11th, 2016

 Sunday again... And it is once again time for my weekly rant...Yes, as I stated in my last article, it is freaking cold right now here in central Canada... The temperatures right now are absolutely way below normal for this time of year, and in fact some weather reports say that we could approach record lows for the next week.... With temperatures hovering around -30C with "wind chill factors" hovering around -45C at night for the next week, I wonder again what the hell I am doing even living in this frozen wasteland.... But again, I am a Canadian, and for years I have endured these harsh and brutal winters that most other people simply could never stand.....And of course with this bout of record cold, I once again have to laugh in the faces of those who are still perpetuating the lies of "Climate Change" or "Global Warming".... When I hear these rejects from clown college come out with their false rhetoric, I say to them to come up here and see for themselves the bitter truth in the form of the bitter cold that they are way out to lunch...... But hey, this fraud of "Climate Change" has even fooled some idiotic Canadians that will gullibly sign on for the Trudeau regime in Ottawa's newest fleecing called "Carbon taxation".... Yes, some people are truly that stupid...OK, Is it just me?  Or are we all sick and tired of the continuing fiasco of the American Presidential selection and how that evil bitch, Killary Clinton, is still trying to slither through the back door and anoint herself as Queen of America..... But with the facts coming out now about how she and her cronies committed acts of fraud in terms of votes and ballots in states such as Michigan and Pennsylvania, it should be all over for her..... I for one am glad that the American people did not put this pathetic mentally deranged creature into the White House, for with all of her murders and acts of treason, she should be fitted with pinstripes and be sitting in a jail cell for the rest of her life......But let me again lay it out right here... I am NOT a supporter of President-Elect Donald Drumpf, for I look at him as being a corrupt Jew controlled lackey who will continue to appease his Jewish masters when he gets into the White House come January.... And yet, there are so many out there that are now praising Donald as what America needs right now to fix what ails it.... I say to all those Drumpf lovers that the only solution for America is to get rid of all of the Jewish criminals that control so much of America's corporations, banking institutions, and especially the media... Once their power grip is removed, laws have to be passed to make sure they never again gain control of these assets.... If the American people ever get brave enough to do these actions, THEN there may be hope to save America from its demise.....Will Donald Drumpf as President do these necessary actions to "Make America Great Again" as he claims?  I doubt it very much, for if Donald ever became a threat to the Jewish control over America, these criminals would simply have someone put a bullet to his head and then roll out a new lackey in his place....I have no qualms with any other real truth seekers wanting to say that the battle for the Syrian city of Aleppo is "over".... Yes, basically the battle is over and what we are seeing is basically a "mopping up" operation to eliminate the last 10% of the eastern part of that city that the fraud US "terrorists" still control..... And what we have going on right now is basically a pause as the Syrian army allows the civilians that are still in that shrinking pocket to escape before they go in for the final kill.... And this small respite in the fighting is for the so called "rebels" that are in the pocket to lay down their arms and surrender to the government forces.... Yes, over the last few days many civilians and "rebels' have indeed left the pocket under this "pause" agreement.... And I can guarantee that once this pause ends within the next two days, the Syrian government forces will indeed launch their final assault on the idiots and fools still trapped in the pocket and have them annihilated....  Aleppo will indeed be fully liberated once that happens, and I will indeed have my report on that liberation at that time.... It cannot come soon enough..OK, I have a question for everyone... Does everyone remember about a month back where some 10000 or so fraud "ISIS" fighters that were still in the Iraqi city of Mosul were "allowed" by the criminal US government to escape?  And remember how they were allowed safe passage by their controllers in the US to flee to neighbouring Syria?  Has anyone ever wondered WHERE those 10000 fighters were "redeployed" in Syria?   Well, I have the answer when you see this new and very sudden "ISIS" attack on the central Syrian city of Palmyra....   Yes, that attack is indeed being carried out by these same fraudsters that were allowed to escape from Mosul over a month back!   And is it so amazing that this attack is being carried out by a fully rearmed ISIS force?   Does anyone even ask where these "terrorists" that are now attacking Palmyra got their weapons from?   Basically, what we have happening at Palmyra is the much needed "diversionary" attack to try to draw Syrian forces away from wiping out the last of the pocket in Aleppo city..... The criminal US/Israel/NATO cabal did indeed realize some time ago that Aleppo was indeed lost, and they needed their "plan B" to try to save their Syrian debacle... And voila, we have this new front in the Syrian war at Palmyra that fits the bill...... And of course with the Turkish attack on Al Bab  in the north, I do believe that the criminal cabal is trying now to stretch the limited Syrian government forces as much as possible to push them to the point of exhaustion....  And yes, they are indeed wanting to make sure that even with the fall of Aleppo, that their attempts to have Syria destroyed and/or Bashar al Assad continuing for the near future......I continue to follow the "battle for Mosul" and I have yet to find anything that has proven me wrong in my accusation that it is a sham......We continue to get the propaganda reports from the Jew spew media saying that the battle is right now in the city itself as the Iraqis are slowly advancing.... This to me is pure theatre, for I again have found nothing yet to show me how this city, that was supposedly evacuated of the last 10000 or so "ISIS" fighters over a month ago (same fighters now at Palmyra) has suddenly another "15000" ISIS fighters that magically appeared out of no where and are trying to stop the Iraqi recapture of the city itself.....And of course I am still waiting for anyone to come up with how this ragtag "ISIS" force was even able to run a city of some 1.8 million people for almost 4 years during their supposed occupation? All this means is that this "battle for Mosul" is nothing but pure propaganda and theatre to create the false illusion that the US is indeed fighting their equally fraudulent "war on terror" aimed exclusively for the gullible American public....OK, what can I say about this war going on between the liars in the Jew spew media and the alternative media over who is generating "fake news"...... We all know for a fact that the Jew spew media has for the last century at least constantly spewed pure lies and pure propaganda... Only in the last few years with the advent of the Internet has people finally realized that these LIARS in the Jew spew media have been filling the airwaves with their garbage.. And of course with the failure of the Jew spew media in trying to get their Jewess Killary Clinton into the White House, the general public has had enough of their constant bullshit and has now helped to accelerate their demise by simply turning them off and no longer listening to their outrageous lies.... BUT, of course the Jewish criminal elite does not want to lose their control over the minds of gullible people, so they are now trying this last ditch attempt to turn the tide by accusing the alternative media of being the generators of "fake news".....The question then becomes... Who will come out on top?.... The answer is of course which media are the ones to tell the truth, and as it stands now the Jew spew media is losing badly for the fact that they can never be trusted to ever tell the truth and have shown that they still are out there lying their asses off!  Therefore, we must all see what is happening here and stick to the alternative media for the truth.I have to laugh though about how the liars in the Jew spew media and even the US government has had the gall to blame all of this "fake news" on the Russians..... The claims are so ridiculous that they are even saying that the Russians were the ones to cause their Queen Killary from winning the Presidential election race.... But the reality is that the Russians had nothing to do with Queen Killary's defeat, and that defeat can be blamed on her own mental illness, psychosis, lying, acts of treason, her murderous actions especially in Libya, her helping to create the fraud of ISIS, her Clinton Foundation bilking billions of dollars from people, her outright lies, her emails and their implications, etc, etc..... Honestly, need I say more?I was alerted just the other day to a most interesting and disturbing video (watch here) that after I watched, I wanted to puke... Apparently, there is now very strong evidence that has surfaced that some fast food outlets in America have been purchasing meat that contains human DNA..... This means that the hamburger meat that you may be enjoying once in a while may indeed contain human remains!   But why should we be shocked by this?  I have long believed that the Jewish criminals that are wanting world domination are very much following the sick teachings and practices in their Torah and Talmud, and some of those practices involves human sacrifices and blood libels... Yes, even in this day and age, human sacrifices and more specifically child sacrifices are indeed still being carried out in secrecy and out of the eye of the general public.... What people do not know is that some Jews most probably do carry out these ritual sacrifices where they drain the blood of children and add that blood to some of the food they consume... But once the blood is drained, the question becomes of what to do with the child's body?  Well, this is where this human DNA in hamburger meat may come from, for they may in their sick and twisted way that they look at the Gentiles, take the bodies to their slaughterhouses and have them ground down and mixed with the beef cattle meat to make hamburger meat... Yes, as sick as this sounds, we may all be eating that meat and unknowingly eating children.... AND this may also answer the question as to where all of those missing children that we hear disappear everywhere around the world every year end up...... Honestly, you cannot make this up even if you try, and I for one knowing how truly evil this tribe of misfits are, would not put it past them that they do this type of sickness...... I for one will never look at a "McDonald's" hamburger the same ever again...Well, enough of making everyone ill.... I for one am continuing to investigate the allegations that the tribe is doing ritual child sacrifices and am looking for further evidence of this human DNA in hamburger meat revelation.....If anyone has other findings, they can send them my way through the comment section at this blog,and if it does prove true, I will indeed post those findings for everyone to see.....OK, I guess I have covered some of the most important issues of last week.... As usual, I cannot give my opinion on everything, and for those other issues that I may of missed, I will touch on them here in my closing "Last Minute Tidbits".......There are increasing reports of how outgoing President Barry Soetoro has indeed opened the flood gates and is allowing every conceivable illegal immigrant to come flooding into the US from Mexico.  Apparently, if this proves to be true, then Barry is indeed trying his damnest to make incoming President Drumpf's first term a living hell with the issue of immigration!..... I see that the Dakota pipeline battle is apparently over, with the Dakota Indian tribe winning the rights to prevent that pipeline crossing their sacred grounds.  But not so fast, as reports are also saying that the company building the pipeline will ignore the US government and continue their illegal building on Indian territory. This could once again get very ugly very soon........New reports are now coming out stating that yes indeed, there is radioactive nucleotides in fish being caught off of the Pacific west coast of both the US and Canada.  So let me get this straight then.  I and others have stated that the Fukushima disaster was indeed killing the North Pacific Ocean for the last 4 years at least, and only now the reports from the media back up that as being true? Unbelievable is putting it mildly.........And speaking of Fukushima itself, yes that disaster is going as strong as ever, with no solution anywhere in sight.  The failed reactors are still spewing their radioactive garbage directly into the Pacific Ocean and the Japanese countryside.  But again, according to the liars in the Jew spew media, Fukushima is now a non-issue.   Sad, but what do we expect when the only news to ever report is about their pride and joy, Israel, and the wars for that criminal state........And speaking of the psychotic state of Israel, is it not amazing that with all of the Jew spew media news diverted elsewhere, little is being reported about how these monsters are still out there stealing Palestinian land, and outright killing Palestinians?   Media bias at its best it seems, and we wonder why we see these liars as the real "fake news"!.........I see the reports about this "Pizzagate" are still out there.  Many have asked me my opinion, and again all I can say is that if Pizzagate does pan out to be true, then it is only the "tip of the iceberg" for most politicians are indeed corrupt and many are deeply involved in child sex rings.  This has been going on for decades at least, and therefore Pizzagate is only scratching the surface of the corruption.........Does the Jewish lust for blood never end?  With their attempts to subdue Syria now failing, they are once again trying to push their agenda of trying to get the US to attack Iran.  And just last week we have the reports that the Saudis would allow the Israelis to use their airspace to launch an attack on Iran itself.   I do wonder if the psychos in Israel may indeed attempt such an attack soon and leave incoming President Drumpf saddled with fighting their dirty war against the Iranians.......I got called an "antisemite" again in one of the comments last week for my articles.  I say to that ass clown to first prove himself to be a "semite" before he makes that accusation.  And again, I must point out that with most Jews being actually Indo-Turkish Khazars with not one drop of Semitic blood in them, their screaming of "antisemitism" is pure rubbish.......Hey, Arsenal beat Stoke City yesterday by the score of 3-1 and temporarily the Gunners are once again at the top of the table.   It may indeed come down to a race between the Gunners and the Chelsea Blues for the title this year........Supposedly, this day, December 11th, is the worse day of the year for relationships as many couples that are about to call it quits take today to 'dump their partners'.  And amazingly two weeks until Christmas to boot..........And speaking of Christmas, I have been asked why I say "Merry Christmas" when I am not religious.  I say to those critics that I may not be religious, but I still believe in the concept of "good will toward all men", which in fact everyone should try to practice not only at Christmas, but every day throughout the year as well!...... Yes, the Kardashian fiasco continues as the mental breakdown of Kanye West is still ongoing.  Honestly, I have long wondered why he never went nuts before now having to put up with those idiots, skanks, trollops, and misfits.  To last this long has indeed been a miracle.....More to comeNTS