An Upstanding Citizen

From degenerate
to moderate
some people change
its taken a lifetime
to reach the pathway
of rejuvenation
I’ve done the right thing
I’ve also assaulted
a police officer
he threw the first punch
I believe in reciprocation
Pounding out booze
just like my
drunken mother
I’ve shamed myself
in these alleged
good times
by letting the vodka
do all the talking
I’ve robbed
other dealers
whose prices
were synonymous
with extortion
Riding that high
like a tidal wave
at the expense
of their rent
Making donations
my time
trying to balance
the scale
as I swallow more
than my required dose
in this quest
for equilibrium
Nobody has been
brutalized or
ripped off
in quite some time
I’ve bettered myself
regardless of what
the critics say
I’ll be the first
to admit
that orange bottle
is smothered in
my fingerprints
I like to think
of myself now
as an upstanding
Even though
it’s highly unlikely
I’ll ever pass
the piss test
