GOP Rep. Thomas Massie: Judge President Trump on Adherence to Nonaggression Principle

Speaking this week with host Kennedy at Fox Business, US House Member Thomas Massie (R-KY) insisted that Donald Trump’s performance as president should be judged according to whether Trump adheres to the nonaggression principle that Massie describes as “the heart of libertarian principles.” Massie proceeded in the interview to define briefly the nonaggression principle as that “you don’t attack somebody if they don’t attack you.”
Massie volunteered that the thing he is most optimistic about with Trump having won the presidency “is we’re not going to war with Russia.” Massie continued that such a war may have been in the future if Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton had won the election. Further, Massie expressed optimism regarding some of Trump’s Cabinet choices, saying, “I wouldn’t call any of them libertarian yet, but, on the spectrum of smaller government or bigger government, I personally know some of them and they’re definitely small-government-type people.”

Referencing Trump’s 2016 Republican National Convention speech, Massie also said it “sort of warmed my heart” when Trump “took a swipe at the World Trade Organization.” Massie elaborated that “libertarians are for sovereignty and sovereign nations, and we don’t think we should subject US citizens to world government.”
Watch here the complete interview, including Massie’s comments regarding a report suggesting Trump may appoint Massie to be either the secretary of energy or the director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP):

Reprinted from The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity. Massie is a member of the Ron Paul Institute.
