PBC News & Comment: Fake News From Corporate Media and Campaigns

The fake war on fake news builds, as straight-faced media and political leaders deplore disinformation they’re partly responsible for….--Obama orders intelligence agencies to prepare secret report on alleged Russian interference in the election
--Hillary emerges from “taking selfies in the woods” to praise Harry Reid and slam fake news and Pizzagate
--Nick Bryant, my expert on pedophile politicians, comments on “Pizzagate”
--Glenn Greenwald shows how MSNBC spread fake news about WikiLeaks in support of Clinton campaign, and that doctored Goldman Sachs speech transcript was created by a Clinton supporter
--at Counterpunch, Jeffrey St. Clair hammers the Washington Post for its fake news story on lefty media it claims run Russian propaganda
--at Shadowproof, Kevin Gosztola upbraids CBS News for false report on “BS Detector” intended to filter out fake news
--Trump cyber-bullied Indiana union leader who exposed the fake news that Donald made at Carrier
--Trump, in nod to the beleaguered working class he champions, name Goldma Sachs president to economic council
--is Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg laying plans to be a billionaire politician?
--in Oregon, Portland City Council votes to tax overpaid CEO’s, and use the money for homeless services
--Ohio GOP legislature lays groundwork for upreme Court review of Roe v. Wade by passing clearly unconstitutional “fetal heartbeat” abortion limit
--with an eye on Trump, Canada is fighting over climate change actions, with the argument that if US doesn’t cut emissions, Canada will be at disadvantage
--Iran rushes to complete oil deals, concerned that Trump may add sanctions
--South Korea impeaches its female president over corruption charges
--as of today, 1001 Americans have been killed by police this year
--John Glenn, pioneer astronaut and US senator from Ohio, dies at 95