PBC News & Comment: Killer Cops in the Carolinas

The cop who killed Keith Scott in Charlotte won’t be charged; the cop who killed Walter Scott in Charlston testifies….--in Charlotte, the black officer who killed Keith Scott in September will not face charges
--Michael Slager, the North Charleston officer who killed fleeing Walter Scott in 2015 takes the stand and offers conflicting testimony
--North Carolina governor’s race is still disputed, as GOP incumbent clings to far-fetched claims of dead voters and voter fraud
--in out latest in-depth interview, Jonathan Simon talks about the “red shift” in election results that favored Trump, and the recounts underway
--Standing Rock protesters who have been arrested face legal bullying, denial of legal counsel
--Trump scores for American workers, as Carrier backs down from plan to shift manufacturing from Indiana to Mexico
at The Intercept, David Dayen points out that Obama didn’t even try to shame Carrier into changing its plans
--at The Guardian, deep investigation shows that while Obama has been sermonizing on climate change, Ex-Im Bank funded dirty fuel projects that neutralize any progress
--NY Times asks, “if Trump tweets, is it news?”
--in tweet, Trump says he will announce plan to limit business conflicts on 12.15
--Trump names Goldman Sachs alum Stephen Mnuchin as Treasury Secretary, will appoint King of Bankruptcy Wilbur Ross to Commerce
--he also names Islamaphobe Katharine Gorka to Homeland Security transition
--tainted leaders hold onto gigs, as Mahmoud Abbas gets 5-year extension in West Bank and Jacob Zuma avoids ouster in South Africa
--Nancy Pelosi retains House leadership post, but challenger Tim Ryan exposed rifts in the caucus
--FDA agrees to new trials for use of Ecstasy on PTSD patients
--San Francisco’s treasurer exposes how fines fund government while pushing people into poverty, announces Financial Justice Project