To Kill: Never!

Are you, like me
A human being,
A puppet, rather
A puppet, dancing to the tunes of confusion
To the tunes of life, and
To the tunes of life’s mystery
Why, it is a fact that this world is yet to be analyzed
It is a fact that this world is yet to be demystified
It is a fact that this world is yet to be proved!
It is a fact that humans try to find answers
It is a fact that humans shall keep on trying to find answers!
So, if you are like me, a mere puppet
Going about with your life, blind and ignorant
Even if you are scientifically enlightened
Do you have the moral right to take one’s life
Even if it is for the sake of judicial punishment?
We are not to kill, such was written in bold
Such has been proclaimed so loudly
And still
Those who kill are certainly deemed as wrong
Those who kill do certainly deserve to be punished
Those who kill, transgress the moral and the divine laws
Those same laws stipulating human behavior on Earth
If you kill the one who kills
Are you not a killer too?
If you kill the one who kills
Are you not meant to be punished too?
Societal laws, made up by Man,
Are to be adhered to!
But Life is governed by a sense of moral duty
Moral duty, illustrated by moral laws
Moral laws, ascribed to us at the very beginnings of Time
Moral laws, which humans have joyfully forgotten
Moral laws, without which, life has become so rotten!
Why, puppets we are all
Held up by those strings controlled by some sort of unknown power
To it we do have to swear obedience
None do know from where life springs from
None do know what lies ahead!
It is not up to us to kill
For killing as a form of punishment
Only binds us in more sin!
To punish humanely, Yes!
To kill, Never!
