Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, November 13th, 2016

 Sunday....And once again time for my weekly rant...OK, Lets get this straight... I for one was very glad last Tuesday that the real wicked witch, Hillary "Killary" Rodham Clinton, the psychotic mentally unbalanced and mass murdering Jewess freak of nature, was NOT selected by the American people to be the 45th President of the United States... And in spite of all the idiotic "Liberals" out there that are now crying the blues all over America because Donald Drumpf did indeed win the vote fair and square, the American people have indeed spoken, and those who do not like it can take a flying leap or get a life!Look, I am NO great fan of Donald Drumpf, for he has always come across as an egotistical megalomaniac.... He has his deep faults and absolutely got rich off the backs of hard working Americans... However, once again due to the failings of the American political system that is stuck with ONLY two major parties for the people to choose from, it did come down to a vote for a psychotic madwoman that drips blood, or Donald... And the people did choose Donald...But why do I now get this nagging feeling that the criminal Jewish "elite" have always wanted Donald to lead their American slave nation?   Something has been gnawing at me for weeks, and I sometimes have wondered if the selection of Donald Drumpf was always their master plan all along..I keep on thinking that what we have just witnesses is similar to that famous Robert Redford movie, "The Sting", from back in the early 70's.... This may indeed have been the plan all along and the American people may indeed have just fallen for one of the greatest cons ever in history!  The American people will indeed find out very shortly if Drumpf is indeed "legitimate" or just another in the long list of shills, lackeys, and Jewish butt kissers. Well, so now America gets Drumpf, and we all know by now of his long list of "promises"... But lo and behold already towards the end of last week we find news that Donald may be pulling back from many of his election promises!  BUT we all know by now that any politician once elected never ever lives up to all of his promises to get selected in the first place, right?   Therefore the American people should absolutely not be shocked to see and hear about Donald now reneging on many of his campaign slogans and promises!I for one am indeed waiting to see if Donald's first order of business once he is President is to either contact Vladimir Putin, or the arch criminal psychopath Benyamin Miliewkosky aka "Netanyahu"...This will indeed be the litmus test for Donald and show the American people if he is truly independent of Jewish influence or if he is just another Jew lackey....  It does worry me that Donald all through his campaign failed to rail on Israel's treatment of the Palestinians and that he said clearly that it will be "business as usual" in regards to Israel... The biggest fears will be that he will not do anything to stop the criminal Israeli illegal land grabbing of Palestine, and do nothing if and when Israel decides to attack the Gaza Strip once again....However, Donald has stated clearly that in spite of the policy of business as usual with the psychos in Israel, he wants to stop the illegal shipment of US dollars to prop up that criminal state... And he has already stated  specifically that he wants to see Israel pay for their own defence and not have the US be forced to cover that outrageous expense.... Again it will be wait and see if he follows through with this promise or if as President he reneges and shows his true colours as another Jewish controlled puppet....And what of Killary Clinton and the criminal Democrats that are still crying the blues about their defeat?  If I was now living in  America, I would DEMAND that President Drumpf follow through on his want to see that arch criminal psychopath and traitor be locked up for her crimes against humanity... The list of crimes is almost endless now, and putting that slithering snake behind bars would indeed break the back of the criminal Clinton foundation and go a long way towards getting real justice for the thousands of victims of that murderous family!  But again, it will be wait and see  if Drumpf is able to carry through on this promise....Yes, the criminal Democrats are now broken, and trying to pick up all the pieces from their resounding defeat....There have been many of these criminals that are now wanting to see another criminal, Michelle Obama, now take over as their leader and possibly make a run for the 2020 Presidency... Good luck to that, because of course "Michelle" is actually "Michael" as in Michael LaVaughn Robinson, who of course went for "gender" changing surgery back in 1983 and finally emerged that same year as "Michelle Robinson".....Therefore if the Democrats are once again to try to regain power in America, if they select "Michelle Obama" as their leader they will be fooling the American people by putting a transvestite into the Oval Office.....Yes, it was bad enough selecting Killary Clinton, a known lesbian, as their leader, but they are absolutely insane in wanting this foul creature "Michelle" as their next leader!Well, as a Canadian, I am truly disgusted by the reaction by our criminal Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, to the election of Donald Drumpf as the next President... Obviously this fool was so wanting to have Killary in the White House simply because he wanted to see the US be suckers and sign off on the fraud "Paris Accords" for the fraud of "climate change" that Canada is all on board with... But with Drumpf now in the White House and his wanting to stop the bullshit of "Global Warming" aka "Climate Change", the fraud "Paris Accords" will most probably finally be put out their misery... Then there is also the fact that Donald wants to renegotiate the fraud "North American Free Trade Agreements" aka NAFTA, and most probably opt out of those agreements as well... This does not sit well with the Liberals in Ottawa, and with Canada at the losing end of these failed agreements, it is no wonder that Trudeau was late and impersonal in his "congratulations" to Drumpf becoming the next US President!  Yes, apparently the Democrats in the US are not the only ones who are sore losers....One other thing about the US elections... It should come as no surprise to anyone that we are indeed witnessing all of these fraud "riots" sprouting out in many US cities right now.....George Schwartz aka "Soros" had indeed poured millions of dollars into Killary Clinton's campaign and ran the companies that actually 'counted' the votes in those corrupt voting machines... But Soros is as much a sore loser as Killary is, and is indeed pouring millions now into the pockets of the leadership of the riots in American cities happening right now....It may indeed be a plan to have these riots force the hands of President Barry Soetoro to have him impose "martial law" in America right now and possibly make the results of the election themselves "null and void"...We shall see......The situation in Syria and Iraq could change very dramatically with Drumpf as President....The criminal and very fraudulent "ISIS" was indeed the creation of Killary Clinton during her time as Secretary of State, and its funding was provided by the Soetoro regime in Washington... But now with Drumpf as President and his wanting to work with the Russians and Syrians in fighting the fraud of "ISIS" the proverbial "writing" may be on the wall for these criminals, and it is no wonder we find reports over the last few days of these "terrorists' both "Moderate" and "radical" are now wanting to possibly negotiate a truce and actually stop fighting the Syrian government forces.... If that does happen, it will indeed be a victory for the Syrian people and again show the American people that in spite of the fallacies of Drumpf, they did indeed make the right choice....Meanwhile, the war to liberate Syria from the criminal US/Israel/NATO cabal rages on.... The good guys, the Syrian government forces and their Russian and Arab allies, have launched major offensives this last week to further isolate the fraud "rebels" holed up in eastern Aleppo, and at the same time have gained some territory north of Hamas at the expense of the fraud "Al Nusra" so called "rebels".... The plan as I stated in my last article is to push the  "Al Nusra" rebels further away from Aleppo itself before finally turning the full power of the Syrian army, with Russian support, on what is left in Aleppo itself... AND the hope is that this final offensive may not have to take place to liberate Aleppo, as the "terrorists" still holed up in eastern Aleppo are now almost out of ammunition and weapons as well as now facing starvation.. The city of Aleppo may finally be liberated very shortly without the Syrians and Russians having to take another shot!I am not changing my stance that this "attack on Mosul" is nothing but a staged event..... I must again point out the obvious that there are almost ZERO "ISIS" forces left in that city of some 1.8 million, simply because the vast majority of these frauds were whisked out of the city a few weeks back and basically high-tailed it across the desert to reform and regroup in Syria itself... The US itself absolutely aided and assisted with this evacuation and movement into Syria, and is now wanting to use this "conquest of Mosul" bullshit as a propaganda stunt to fool the world into the false belief that they are "fighting" ISIS!   And must I point out the fact that it would be impossible for these "terrorists" to have actually "occupied" Mosul for the last 2 years with only some 1500 terrorists as many articles including Wikipedia have stated?  The logistics to operate and maintain a city of 1.8 million people for two full years was beyond the capabilities of these fraud terrorists, and the reality therefore is that there was never any real "occupation" of Mosul at all!  Therefore, that "occupation" and this much publicized "liberation" that we are being spoon fed by the Jew spew media now is clearly bullshit!Of course while the war in Syria rages on.. Or until Drumpf becomes President..... There is still the issue of the massive build up of criminal NATO and criminal US forces in eastern Europe on the border with the Russian Federation... Apparently, and this is indeed a hunch, President Barry Soetoro is all for this and indeed wanting a war with Russia... It may indeed be the plan by the criminal Democrats in power, under Barry Soetoro, that they will 'gift' Donald Drumpf with a possible global war for when he gets into the White House this coming January... However, the plans are hinging on the belief that Vladimir Putin will indeed react to this aggression by retaliation... But I can guarantee Putin is doing nothing right now, and is waiting for Drumpf to assume command and put an end to this build up....Yes, Drumpf has long said that he does not want confrontation with Russia but instead to do business..... Putin is of course knowing and understanding this, and he will do everything possible to avoid a war!  These next 70 days until the inauguration will indeed prove to be most interesting indeed...OK, I guess I have covered so much already here in this week's rant, especially focusing so much on the changes that we may or may not see with President Drumpf at the helm of the United States...But of course there has indeed been so much else happening elsewhere, and hopefully I can cover many of those issues here in my usual closing "last minute tidbits"...... I have once again come under some attacks from the members of the ridiculous and laughable "flat earth society".  Yes, these people with shit for brains still are out there, and having no real knowledge of science are still spewing their flat earth trash and have once again tried to fill my comment section with their crap.  Honestly, why do these morons not have any lives?...........And speaking of the idiotic believers of "flat earth", apparently there is a ruckus going on over at Kyle Hunt's "Renegade Tribune" and "Renegade Broadcasting" right now.  Buelahman at, has a most interesting article up that covers the spat at Renegade right now, and if anyone wants to see it, check it out for themselves.  Hopefully my friend Charles Giuliani, who of course does his morning show at that network, does not get caught up in this ridiculous battle as well........I read an article just the other day that apparently Barry Soetoro may, as one of his last acts as President, ram through legislation in America that will try to make vaccinations "mandatory" for all Americans.  Hopefully the American people will see through this facade and prevent this bill from passing.  Must I again reiterate the facts here that vaccines absolutely do NOT work and are actually harmful to the human body?.......I see that the Clinton crime family may now be working to see their demon seed, Chelsea Clinton, get a seat in the US Congress or Senate and eventually try to make a run for the Presidency down the line.  Well, I hope the American people will see through this charade and prevent this daughter of Webb Hubbell from ever getting into politics!.......Hey, one other good news supposedly from having Drumpf as President is that supposedly the building of the wall across the southern American border with Mexico will begin within months of his inauguration.  This is indeed great news, for in spite of the liberal diehards and fools, the wall is indeed a necessity to stop the flow of illegals from entering the US........And of course we have all those Jewlywood "celebrities" that have said that if Drumpf is elected that they would leave the US, now suddenly saying that they were fibbing and will be staying?  Drat, for honestly I wanted to see that garbage leave and never be heard from again!.......I saw in the news the other day that Leonard Cohen has died.  My first reaction when reading the reports was Leonard who??  It does make sense that the Jew spew media would be praising this man for the simple fact that he was indeed a Jew with one heck of a hooked nose that wrote and sang about so much evil on Earth.  Definitely somethings the Jews always love to portray and push on the Gentiles.....Hopefully now that Drumpf is in the White House, we can all take a step back from the madness of "political correctness" and put that fraud out of its misery as well.  And for those who say that I am not "politically correct" or "racist" in making this statement or in any of my writings, then they can bite me!.........Yes, I saw the reports about the fraud terrorists in Syria using chemical weapons, and once again I have to ask the simple question as to who supplied these weapons to these frauds in the first place?  Well, to my American readers, I do believe that you know the answer here.........The Saudis continue to lose the war in Yemen, and I do wonder that without their criminal supporter, Killary, not able to attain the  Presidency, how will they sustain their failed war under Drumpf?  Again, after January we will indeed see.........No soccer games this week in the Premier League as part of the scheduling.  Next week however, the Gunners play Manchester United, and with the Gunners now holding down 3rd place in the table, this game and all future games become "must win" if they have any hopes of attaining the title.......Yes, the Kardashians are back on the Talmudvision with brand new shows to poison the minds of Americans weekly.  But now I have at least one more person who sees them as garbage as my own "better half" has finally seen the light and she said to me this last week that their show is pure bullshit and unwatchable.  Maybe it is time for other people to finally see these skanks, hoes, and trollops for the trash they truly are as well? We can only hope....More to comeNTS