Important Video By Snordster: Trump Must Follow Putin!

OK, I must say that I really do not like delving into the so called Presidential circus happening right now in the United States... And as a matter of fact I do basically agree with so many real truth seekers out there, including Buelahman, in that the best option for most Americans is absolutely NOT to vote, due to the fact that no matter which side gets to put their candidate into the Oval Office, the JEWS win again!  HOWEVER, we again must realize that it is too late for the American political system to change and the American people must cast their vote for either the mass murdering freak of nature, psychotic Hillary "Killary" Clinton, or Donald Drumpf (I have received so many questions as to why I constantly call Trump "Drumpf".  The truth is that Drumpf is his real last name, and that his family changed the name to "Trump" decades ago ....).... I say that the ONLY option left for the American people, especially this late in the "game" and with the real danger being allowing the psycho Killary to attain her evil machinations to become the American Empress, is for them to absolutely and overwhelmingly to vote for Donald Drumpf!   Yes, this is not an endorsement of Drumpf, but reality, for if Killary succeeds in stealing this election, then America is doomed....Right now, I want to present the latest video from Patrick, aka "Snordelhans" and more recently just "Snordster" that gives some pretty good ideas of what Donald Drumpf will have to do if he is successful in becoming the next US President.... The video is called "Trump Must Follow Putin" and I have it here for everyone to watch for themselves... I have my usual thoughts and comments to follow:NTS Notes:  Yes, there has been some recent questioning of the authenticity of this "Saker" from who's article Snordster is narrating in this video... But the facts presented are very logical and sound..The bottom line is this... If Drumpf is successful, then he indeed has a very long and difficult path ahead of him to try to turn America around... And if he is genuine in his wants to turn America around, and is able to survive an assassination by the Jewish power elite behind the criminal Federal Reserve (Remember JFK and his attempts to break their grip on America with EO1110 back in 1963 and how that turned out!), then there may indeed be hope for the American people....I am hoping that the American people do realize that this vote come November 8th is for their very existence..  If Killary steals that election and all indications are now out that the theft is already in progress, then the American republic will indeed die...  If Drumpf wins, then there may be hope IF and only IF he is able to break the Jewish control mechanisms that are strangling America today... If he indeed is "genuine" then there may yet be hope for the survival of the American republic....A reality check here: I again must remind everyone that is pinning their hopes on Drumpf of how he was at that AIPAC meeting earlier this year and pledged his undying support for the Jewish power elite and his love for Israel.... We all must not be blinded to the fact that as a billionaire, he did not get rich without the support of the Jewish power in America, and therefore he is indeed tied heavily to their criminal activities and their control... We will indeed soon see if and how he will "Make America Great Again" if he does indeed become the next US President... Honestly, I doubt it, but we will see.....More to comeNTS