The Attack On Mosul: Are We Witnessing A Fraud And Pure US Propaganda In Action?

I have been reading many alternative media sites over the last few days about the "changing" military situation in Iraq..... And of course the US Jew spew media outlets are putting out constant reports about the Iraqi/US"offensive" to retake the second biggest city in Iraq, Mosul......I have indeed been watching the videos from that "battle" with close scrutiny, and honestly, something is not right here.... And as usual I smell a rat.....Lets face some reality here... The US is NOT in the war in Iraq to "free" that nation from the fraud known as "ISIS".... The facts should be crystal clear to everyone by now that "ISIS" is indeed a scam and is absolutely the creation of the US itself... It is manned by US operatives and US mercenaries, and has always been one heck of a propaganda weapon to try to scare the crap out of people... Therefore when we hear about the US "working" with the Iraqi forces to "liberate" the city of Mosul from "ISIS" we must indeed be very skeptical....OK, first and foremost, I must remind everyone about how the US has purposely delayed the assault on Mosul by almost 2 months to allow their "ISIS" operatives the time to gather all of their American made gear and weapons, and then proceed to evacuate the city in a convoy and high tail it over the border into Syria! (And where was the US or "coalition" air force to blow this convoy to hell?) The facts are clear that there have been indeed some 9000+ US "ISIS" operatives in the Mosul area, and there have been many recent reports that they were indeed allowed to "escape" from Mosul to be redeployed into Syria itself.... Once these forces have escaped, and ONLY after the US has made sure their operatives were gone, was the "assault" on Mosul launched last week!Now I want to present a most interesting video that comes from Youtube user, "Peekay Truth" that closely examines the videos coming out through the Jew spew media about this "assault" on Mosul... And as you will see in this video, somethings do NOT add up at all... In fact this video shows that what we are being presented as an "assault on Mosul" may indeed be a very elaborate hoax and a pure propaganda stunt.... Here is that video, and I have more thoughts and comments to follow:NTS Notes:  OK, Many have been asking my opinion about this Mosul "attack" and I will lay it out clearly here: What I see happening is a massive fraud and a pure propaganda stunt!Lets be clear here in regards to Mosul... The "assault" that we are seeing is a sham... There are almost NO defenders left in Mosul now that the "ISIS terrorists" were indeed allowed to escape and redeploy into Syria...Therefore this assault is in fact a sick game of pure propaganda to sell the illusion primarily to the American people that their "forces" in the Middle East are indeed "fighting ISIS".  The US government will indeed sell the lie that they have helped to "liberate Mosul" from the "EVIL ISIS" as just another ploy to get support from the gullible masses in America that America is indeed "fighting these terrorists"!   And of course it will be used to continue to sell the entire "war on terror" bullshit to the American people...I therefore can guarantee that over the next while we will see more "news stories" coming out from the American bullshit Jew spew media outlets portraying this "battle for Mosul" as a great victory over the so called "evil terrorists", but in reality it will not only be a hollow and empty "victory" but pure and utter bull crap!  It will be once again US propaganda at its best.....More to comeNTS