Truth Is The Enemy Of The State

I first started writing this blog because I was so disgusted at how the TRUTH about our sick world was being constantly suppressed, and that our education system was bringing up entire generations of our youth on nothing but sheer lies and propaganda..... I also discovered how much the Jew spew media was part of the game in constantly not only pumping out pure propaganda but outright lies..... It is therefore so important that everyone understand what the world is really like these days and exactly WHO is the real enemy of mankind...One thing that I have noticed over the last while is how terrible the propaganda battle was in terms of getting the truth out to the American people about these "candidates" that are presently vying for the office of President of the United States... But one thing that I found to be an abomination is how the Jew spew media is absolutely bending over backwards lying for their star candidate, Killary Clinton, especially with all the evidence and facts that are now out that show her to be not only a mass murdering freak of nature, but pure unadulterated evil to boot!Someone recently asked me what I thought of the "Wikileaks" material that has been coming out fast and furious over the last while exposing some of the bitter truths about Killary Clinton... I have told them that although "Wikileaks" seems to put out some most interesting information and some amazing facts that should put that foul creature into a jail cell, it is indeed suspect for the fact that since its creation almost a decade ago it has never ever fingered the criminal JEWS and their psychotic state of Israel as being the root of all of the troubles on our planet.... For that I still hold a bit of doubt about "Wikileaks" and its entire program.... I was sent a link to an interesting article just earlier today, and I said that I may give my opinion about this piece of information here at this blog.   Therefore, I first want to present the following link to a report that comes from the Personal Liberty website, at, here for all of my own readers to view and assess for themselves... It is entitled: "Truth Is The Enemy Of The State" and I have my own thoughts and comments to follow: Notes:  Yes, the fact is that TRUTH is absolutely the enemy of the state... And that is due to the rampant corruption in all of our governments and the criminals in charge wanting to keep their corrupt system in place.. These criminals therefore hate the truth about their criminality exposed to the masses, and they will do anything possible to suppress that truth...Again, what Wikileaks is doing is exposing some of the bitter truths about how truly evil Killary Clinton is... And NONE of the facts that Wikileaks has presented has been found anywhere to be seen by the corrupt Jew spew media!  Only through the alternative media has anyone been able to find any Wikileaks information, period....And yes, even though I am no great fan of Donald Drumpf, he and his Republican party in the United States are absolutely correct when they have stated that the political and election system is rigged.... There can be no doubt in anyone's minds this is absolutely correct when you research and discover that Drumpf is so far ahead of Killary in this fraud campaign and every honest opinion poll,  that she is actually far behind many "third party" candidates to boot...And yet we find the Jew spew media proclaiming everywhere (even here in Canada) that she has already "won" this election!   THAT should be the signal to every American citizen that come November 8th, the fix is in and Killary will indeed be declared the "winner".......I again do wonder what the American people will do on November 8th when they discover that their nation has once again been stolen from them..... As JFK said decades ago: "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable"......More to comeNTS