Mosul Attack “Faster then Planned”

*Mosul attack faster than planned: Iraq PM

The offensive to seize back Mosul from Islamic State is going faster than planned, according to Iraq's prime minister, as Iraqi and Kurdish forces launched a new military operation to clear villages on the city's outskirts.

*Iraq PM hails swift progress of Mosul offensive *Mosul Operation Advancing 'More Quickly' Than Expected, Iraqi Prime Minister Says*Independent- ISIS Retreats as Army Gains Faster then Expected… some places the US-backed Iraqi coalition is just four miles away from outskirts of Isis-held city following three days of heavy fighting- SPIN

The long-anticipated offensive to free the city of Mosul from Isis is going faster than planned, Iraqi prime minister Haider al-Abadi has said, as the country's elite special forces were deployed in the fight for the first time.“The forces are pushing towards the town more quickly than we thought and more quickly than we had programmed,” Mr al-Abadi said via satlink to representatives of several Middle Eastern and Western countries gathered in Paris on Thursday to discuss Iraq’s future.


Taking Mosul "So far this is easier then Fallujah" What Comes After Will Be Worse, For Iraq.


 Tuesday -

Mosul- Difficult Fight? Already Ahead of Schedule?


Monday -

The Battle for Mosul Has Begun?

"Surely the US will want to wrap it up by the end of the month or beginning of November at the latest ?In time for Hillary to crow about the victory?In time for Obama to end his presidential term on a positive note for the history books?We'll have to see how this plays out for the US election and Obama's legacy."

One wonders about the situation the Iraqi forces may be being led into?From Earlier:

Aleppo: Provisional Ceasefire via LiveSurveillance Cam and Drone Footage