The Ridiculous And Laughable US Election Campaign: The Third Presidential Debate Between Psychotic Clinton And Drumpf, My Take...

I was a bit under the weather yesterday, and decided not to post any new material here... I find that if I am sick then I have a rough time sitting in front of my computer and typing out reports and articles....However, I did take a few Advils and decided to actually turn on the Talmudvision last night to watch the third US Presidential "debate" between the mass murdering freak of nature, Killary Clinton, and of course Donald Drumpf.... And what I watched was indeed a ridiculous display of blatant lies, and falsehoods, between these two "candidates".....I figured I would watch the entire charade and get around to posting up my thoughts about this fiasco this morning....OK, I want to make it perfectly clear that I am NOT in support of either "candidate"... BUT once again I must remind my "critics" that the US political system is a complete disaster with only TWO major parties and absolutely NO real third party threat to either... And under such a system it is easy for the criminal Jewish power elite that controls America to manipulate both and to make sure that any "candidate" for the US Presidency is firmly under their control... Such is the case for both the blood dripping Killary and of course Donald as well......But with NO real "alternative" to either other than to spoil your vote or to simply not vote at all, the American people are stuck with having to choose between these two evils......Right off the bat, the "debate" was a farce... The issue of the Supreme Court and the "nominees" for Supreme Court justices is a charade when these nominees are either JEWS, or are fully under control of Jewish interests.... And of course the subject of the Supreme Court appointees turned quickly to the 2nd amendment and the question of gun control.... I for one could not believe the outright lies coming out of Killary's forked tongued mouth when she claimed that she "supported" the 2nd amendment!   I was also surprised that Drumpf missed the opportunity right off the bat to attack her for her wanting the destruction of the amendment itself and how if she was to become President she would absolutely take away the last line of defense of the American people, which of course are their guns, by executive order!  Then the debate took a turn when the subject of Abortion entered the fray... I do believe that was by design by the criminals wanting Killary as President, for they know full well that Drumpf is Pro-Life..... And yes, for that part of this fiasco Donald did indeed fall for the trap.... It played right into Killary's hands with her stating the reality that the decision for a woman's choice was decided decades ago with Roe versus Wade..... And Donald only made it worse with his comment about "babies being ripped out of a woman's body"... Yikes.... Therefore, for this part of the debate, Killary did win this point... But only this one.......The debate turned to the question of immigration, and the border controls that the US desperately needs... On this point, Donald was clearly right and hammered Killary for her want to have "open borders"... Killary in this part of the debate was indeed lying her ass off when she claims that she was for "border controls" when the reality is that she is absolutely not!  This foul creature wants to open the borders and allow all of the same criminal "migrant" filth that has destroyed Europe to invade and destroy America... She tried to talk about "comprehensive border security" but that was the same crap that Barry Soetoro and other recent Presidents have attempted, and have failed miserably with millions of illegals still flooding into the United States......Donald could have easily blasted her for her insane comments and her stance, but to me he was a bit subdued.... However, with Killary's incessant lies that came out of her mouth with this subject, Donald clearly won this part of the debate....Then the debate became a bit ugly and the real lies came out from that filthy witch.... The topic of "Wikileaks" and all the supposed emails and other internet reports came out to haunt her, and of course she lied her ass off by claiming the falsehood that "Russia is behind it".... She even had the audacity to claim that "17 US intelligence agencies" have said that Russia was behind "Wikileaks"!  I would have asked this criminal flat out..."Which 17 agencies are those, Killary?".... This showed that Killary is indeed a blatant liar!And of course Killary tried to say that Drumpf was being supported by Vladimir Putin!  I listened closely to what that witch was claiming, and she had not one ounce of substance or facts behind her statements... They basically were flat out lies, and I was shocked that Donald did not hammer her harder for this falsehood.... Instead he claimed that Killary was "Putin's puppet" which was almost as ludicrous as Killary's lies.... Then we have Killary saying that the US elections were and should not be affected by a "foreign power"... I heard that and right away I said to myself "WHAT ABOUT ISRAEL AND THE JEWISH CONTROL OF AMERICA?".... But of course neither would touch the Jewish control of America which showed once again how the Jews select the President....The questioning then turned to the US economy.... Killary definitely lost this part of the debate as her plans to somehow turn the US around is a complete disaster and would never fly... It would cause horrific taxation that the American people cannot afford....Drumpf as a businessman and very knowledgeable aobut what America needs to fuel the economy hammered her on every point including NAFTA....   Honestly Killary on this subject had nothing and all she did was speak nonsense.... Donald won this point but could have destroyed this witch right there and then....I wondered why?The subject then turned to the false allegations of Drumpf's "groping of women" and other falsehoods.. Donald stood his ground, pointed out the fact that the allegations were indeed all lies, and definitely turned the tables on Killary by pointing out how her "party" was using dirty tricks in rallies and actually paying people to try to cause riots at those rallies...Killary had nothing in response, and again Donald not only turned the tables on this witch, but won this key point...Donald then went after Killary for her criminal activities again like in the previous debate, and the look on Killary's face was priceless... She had nothing and it showed... Again, points to Donald here and he definitely won this part of the debate but once again did not go in for the kill.....The next part of the debate was interesting as well... Drumpf finally went after Killary and her criminal "foundation" and its taking in millions from gullible fools and giving nothing in return....The subject of Haiti came out and I was surprised that Donald did not destroy Killary right there and then for the Clinton Foundation's swindling of that nation by taking in BILLIONS and giving nothing in return!  Instead Killary tried to turn the tables here by going after Drumpf's "tax returns" again, but that was a moot point as the subject of Donald's taxes was put to bed in previous debates and otherwise was a non-issue... It showed the weakness of Killary once again and her inability to defend the criminal nature of her "foundation:".....Killary once again lost this part of this debate, but again Donald could have expanded on the criminal nature of the fraud "foundation" and put her out of her misery here, but did not...Then, and finally, the subject turned to foreign affairs, and of course the US caused wars in both Iraq and Syria.... The subject of Mosul in Iraq came forward first, and to me this is a no brainer.. The US has purposely delayed the "final assault" on Mosul to allow their own agents to escape and redeploy to Syria... Drumpf hit it partially on the head when he said that "all of the ISIS leaders have all left" in regards to Mosul but failed to mention WHY?   To me, this using 1/2 truths is disgusting, for I can guarantee that Donald knows full well that ISIS itself is a complete fraud and fully manned with US agents and bought and paid for mercenaries... Killary had nothing on Mosul at all, and was on the defensive once again when Donald again nailed her for the creation of ISIS itself.... Donald definitely won this point, but once again failed to go in for the kill...Killary was asked of course about the "no fly zone" crap that she has been all in favor to be imposed over Syria.. But she again had nothing to support this insane notion...And she could not come up with any answers as to how the Russians would support such insanity.... Honestly this shows the insanity of Killary for any "no fly zone" would indeed launch the US into an unwinnable war against Russia itself!Of course the subject had to turn to the American lost venture called Aleppo, and I was puzzled and amazed at the outright lies here by the moderator, Chris Wallace, that the Russians and Syrians were "killing civilians" in Aleppo!   The facts are of course that the fraud rebels and mercenaries bought and paid for by the US are the ones doing the killing.....Drumpf obviously knew the real truth but failed to bring that fact forward here... Instead, Drumpf did lie here by saying that when the fraud "ceasefire" was agreed to and then broken by the US itself, the Russians "broke" the ceasefire because they wanted a "land grab" in Syria!  I had to do a 500 mile per hour face palm here, and I could not believe that Donald was that out of touch with reality... I do wonder if this and other lies about Syria were being done purposely to appease the real criminals running the show, the Jews themselves.....And of course even on this subject, Killary was a lost cause as once again any further comments from that foul creature would have opened the doors to the reality that she herself was the creator of the horrors we see now in Syria....There was a small part after this that once again touched on the economy and how Donald would "make America great again".......Donald again as a businessman was again astute and attacked Killary for her policies and her pandering to the elite and failing the middle class of Americans... Killary had no replies as usual.... And of course they touched on the fraud "Obamacare" and Killary again could not defend her policies of increasing this fraud and ruining American lives.... But when Killary then touched on Social Security and how they needed to put more money into that program, I howled... It was the Clinton crime family that during Billy boy's reign as President in the 1990's raided Social Security and stole TRILLIONS of dollars just to balance the budget then... And now Killary wants to "fix it"?  The nerve.....The last question was of course about about why Americans would ever elect either clown?  Killary had her usual lies and falsehoods claiming that her "focus" would be on families, women, and children, when in reality it would be on her pandering to the criminal Jewish elite and the 1% that have ruined America... Donald did his usual statement of wanting to make America great again, and nailed it when he said that with Killary, America would get another 4 years of Barry Soetoro type failures and lies.... Donald won this part, but once again as with the entire debate did not go in for the kill.....My overall summary of this debacle:  Donald Drumpf did win, but barely... Unlike in the 2nd debate where he destroyed that witch, he failed to hit home on her criminality, her fraud "foundation" and other issues that would have put her out of the campaign entirely..... He had her by the ropes and did not go in for the knockout... Killary on the other hand did not look as lost as in the 2nd debate, and I wondered what kind of drugs they pumped her up with this time... But she had nothing in this debate and it showed .... Her smiles for the cameras and all through this debate covered up the fact that she is indeed pure evil, and I found her grins and her facial expressions to be most annoying.... It was almost as if she was standing there and laughing in the cameras saying "I don't care, for the election is fixed anyways... You Americans will indeed be my slaves next month!"......And finally... Does it really make a difference anyways?  This circus of a campaign has made America the laughing stock of the planet, and both of these candidates are absolutely atrocious.... The one big difference is of course that with Killary you get economic ruination, global wars, and the possibility of the end of America.... BUT remember this, with both candidates firmly under Jewish control, it does not matter which one you "vote" for, for the Jews win again!More to comeNTS