The Syrian War To Free Itself From The Evil US/Israel/NATO Criminal Cabal: Latest Updates On Situation In Syria, And The Idiot US Secretary Of State Spewing His Garbage Once Again!

As I stated in my previous articles about Syria, the situation as of today is getting better and better all the time for the good guys, the Syrian government forces and their Arab and Russian allies... Right now, the so called "terrorists" that are still holed up in eastern Aleppo city are nearing the point of exhaustion with No resupplies coming from the criminal US.... I stated clearly that these murderous mercenaries are about to either surrender or be destroyed... And apparently most are so crazy and pinning their hopes on the US coming to their rescue that they will be destroyed!But there have been some disturbing incidents over the last while in regards to the Syrian war to free itself from the evil cabal... One report came forward to me just today and shows once again how truly criminal the US government is when they have the unmitigated gall to supply these fraud "terrorists" with TOW anti tank weapons to be used against the Syrian government forces.... Here is the link to that report here for everyone to read for themselves:, this supplying of anti-tank weapons shows once again the bitter truth for every American and sucker out there that actually still believes these "terrorists" to be real......This once again shows clearly that these "terrorists" are absolutely a fraud and are in fact not only US/Israeli agents, but they are being financed and supplied with weapons by the US itself.... And it once again shows as I have long stated that the entire "war on terror" is a complete fraud!Next, I want to give everyone an update on the real situation as it stands today in the "Battle For Aleppo"... And this one comes courtesy of the Southfront website, at Here is the link to that Southfront report for everyone to see for themselves here: does appear that the US has indeed lost the battle for Aleppo, and as I have already stated, it will only be a matter of days now before these murderous freaks holed up in the eastern part of the city will have to surrender or be destroyed....However, in spite of the reality of the battle for Syria on the ground, and the facts that the US is indeed on the wrong side of history in this conflict, it appears that the criminal US Secretary of State is once again out there spewing his garbage out of his filthy mouth claiming now that the battle for Aleppo is a "humanitarian crisis" and as he claims the "worse crisis since the second World War!".... OK, I have a video from Russia Today right here for everyone to see John Kohn (Kerry) in action here for themselves... Try not to puke:NTS Notes:  It seems that every time now I see videos of John Kohn opening his foul mouth, I truly have to laugh.... I am surprised that anyone in America believes this criminal any more for his stupid rants!And yes, the Senator from Virginia is indeed against the US's involvement in Syria.. BUT he never has stated the facts that it is BOTH the US and Israel that are behind the criminal operations to have Syria destroyed... Therefore once again only 1/2 truths ever come out of even the critics in the US government.... Lets face it... The US has LOST the war in Syria, and unless they are able to get a nice new "false flag" attack going within the next few days, the city of Aleppo will be cleared of the fraud "terrorists" and their attempts to have Bashar al-Assad unseated from power in Syria will also have failed.....I again must warn everyone that there is something very sinister in the works... In my weekend rant, I stated that there was indeed a massive buildup of US military forces and hardware on their base at Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean... And the facts are that Diego Garcia is indeed within B52 bomber striking range of Syria itself... Therefore there is indeed something diabolical that may yet happen very soon that the criminal US government will try to pin on both Syria and Russia hoping that the gullible US public will fall for their trap and support an invasion of Syria itself..... Watch for it everyone and be prepared to point the finger directly at the real criminals in the US government for that heinous act....