Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, October 16th, 2016

  Well, after a busy and very stressful week, it is Sunday once again... And therefore time for my weekly rant...First I must state again how much I do hate getting sick.... I have been taking better care of my body these last few years, but it did not make a damn difference these last two weeks as I went through a bout of sinus infections and one heck of a severe cold.... I have finally been feeling so much better these last few days.... I do want to thank all those who sent me some "get well" messages and comments....Lets face it... That "debate" last Sunday between that mass murdering freak of nature, Hillary "Killary" Clinton, and Donald Drumpf was an unmitigated disaster for the Democratic Party in the ridiculous campaign for the US Presidency... However, in spite of the fact that Killary lost that debate and in fact made herself look like a complete idiot in that "town hall meeting", she will still undoubtably win the Presidency through the fraud of the electronic voting machines in America.... It was also no shock to me at all to see all the Jew spew media outlets report after this "debate" how "well" Killary did and these liars and frauds actually had the unmitigated gall to claim that not only did Killary "win" that debate, but many in their ranks called for Donald Drumpf to actually quit his campaign..... The fix to have Killary in as the next President is definitely in, and the actions of the Jew spew media, and their biased support for that witch, speak for themselves....It is also a fact that this psychotic demonic witch was indeed laughing in the faces of all Americans when she stated in that "debate" that "even if people do not vote for me, I will be President".... She was telling every American citizen right there flat out that she was already ordained to be President and there was not one god damned thing anyone could do to try to stop her.....One thing that came to my attention was the news that the voting systems and machines in almost half of the US states that will be used to fix this November's vote are owned by none other than the ultra arch criminal psychopath on planet Earth, George Soros himself... When I caught that news, I thought to myself: "What else is new?"..... Again, it makes sense that Dr. Evil himself runs the fraud voting system as he wants to make sure his prize puppet, Killary Clinton, does indeed become Empress of America with him pulling her strings..... And we must not forget that it was that psychotic criminal Soros himself that stated in an interview a few months back that even if Drumpf wins by a landslide in the US popular vote, that Killary will indeed be the President.... Therefore, unless the American people will indeed rise up in revolt as a result of being screwed this November, the US itself will be royally fucked with Killary at the helm.....I have indeed been watching the news these last few days about the ridiculous US rush to a new global war due to their utter failure in having Syria destroyed as commanded by their Jewish masters, and what I found has been indeed alarming... One report in particular that I found to be most disturbing has been the rapid buildup of US bomber forces on the Indian Ocean island of Diego Garcia... And yes, this is the same Diego Garcia where the "missing" flight MH370 was flown to back in March 2014 before being used in the ill-fated false flag attack of MH17 over Ukraine....Apparently, there has been a few reports that have come out by military personnel from Diego Garcia that were able to escape the US censors that report a massive buildup of bombers and support aircraft along Diego Garcia's limited airfield runways.... In fact the reports state that there are so many aircraft at Diego Garcia that the bombers, support, and other aircraft are having to park on the roads in Diego Garcia due to limited space.... And there are reports of dozens of ships at Diego Garcia that have unloaded massive amounts of military ordinance, especially bombs, and those weapons are being massively stockpiled....Due to the massive build up at Diego Garcia and many other reports about US military personnel being put on alert everywhere across the planet, I suspect that something serious is about to go down and it does not bode well for the nation of Syria and even the Russian Federation... I do strongly suspect that we will see a massive new false flag attack take place very shortly that the criminals in the US Government will use as their pretext to launch a massive assault on Syria itself... And the crux of that assault will be an aerial bombing attack conducted from the base at Diego Garcia! Yes, the US Government apparently is about to go to war against Syria.... This is due to the failings of their vain attempt to have Syria destroyed and Bashar al-Assad removed by power by the usage of their proxy armies aka "terrorists" operating in Syria itself....Lets face the facts here... The US has LOST the war in Syria with their fraud mercenaries and proxy "terrorist" groups... The Syrian government forces and their Arab and Russian allies are winning battles right across that embattled nation and the most important prize in the entire conflict, the city of Aleppo itself, is about to fall to the good guys... The fraud "terrorists" in Aleppo are in fact in a "no win" situation with their forces entirely surrounded in eastern Aleppo with their supplies completely cut off... The Syrian army has retaken most of the northern parts of eastern Aleppo and their Russian ally has been conducting successful aerial bombardments that have pulverized what few terrorist strongholds are left in the southern part of that city.... I stated in my last rants that it will only be a matter of time, unless the US is able to pull off a new false flag attack, before the city has fallen and the entire plan by the US/Israel/NATO cabal to have Syria destroyed will have failed...But once again people forget how the US military are "sore losers" and their debacle in Syria is exactly why they are now pushing for a war against Russia itself..... I for one am under no illusion here, for as I stated before in a previous article, I see this move by the US to threaten nuclear war against Russia as a high stakes game of Poker.... The US government is indeed threatening the Russian Federation and hoping that the thought of nuclear war will be enough to force the Russians to back down and 'come to terms' with the US in regards to Syria.... But the Russians are no fools and they will not abandon Syria at all.... I do believe that this time the Russians will call the US's Poker "bluff" and will not back down..... The question then becomes: Will the US therefore escalate the conflict and actually bomb Syria just to see if the Russians react?  And is the US leadership that insane that they will indeed escalate the conflict and actually risk a nuclear response by Russia?   The next few days will be telling, and again I do not like what I see happening.....Of course while so much focus has been on Syria, there apparently has been an escalation in the conflict in Ukraine... The Minsk accord ceasefire agreement of well over a year ago apparently is now over and the US controlled puppet regime in Kiev is once again pushing for new attacks on the Donbas breakaway republics.... It has indeed been well over a year since the last time the Ukrainian army launched any attacks on the civilians in the Donbas, and now with their newly attained US weapons, I do believe that they will once again be launching new offensive strikes that will see thousands of civilians murdered.... I also do wonder about the timing of these new assaults, considering how much Russia is already committed to the support of Syria......And of course we will see how Russia itself reacts to this new aggression on the part of Ukraine.....Yes, I have been watching the escalating situation in Yemen over the last while, and it makes sense when you consider that the Saudis have been losing their war to see Yemen conquered and/or destroyed.... Therefore the Saudis have called on their US allies and minions to come into the fight directly... And of course we find the Yemeni resistance supposedly lobbing a few "missiles" at a few US ships, that of course never seem to hit their target  (talk about a new Gulf of Tonkin moment...), and next we see the US launching cruise missile strikes into Yemen itself... Therefore it is bad enough that the US is now wanting to attack Syria directly and even the possibility of committing ground forces there, and now we have an escalation in the conflict in Yemen as well?   I sure hope the American people can see what is happening, for it will be their sons and daughters being sent off to fight these wars for criminal causes.....Of course while most of the Jew spew news is so focused in on the ridiculous elections in the United States and the push for world war centred on Syria in the Middle East, up here in Canada we have the Trudeau regime in Ottawa still pushing for its Carbon Taxation of Canadian citizens.... It is so ridiculous that there are so many gullible people out there that have swallowed the "kool aid" of the lies of Global Warming that they are so willing to sign on to a new tax that is based on lies... There is no such thing as man made "Global Warming" and even the idea of "Carbon Taxation" is a fraud simply because Carbon Dioxide itself is not and never has been a so called "Greenhouse gas".... And yet we have Justin Trudeau wanting to fleece billions of dollars out of our citizens here based upon these lies...... Again, it is not only a fraud tax to fill the government's coffers but it is based upon a lie!One last thing before I get onto my usual "last minute tidbits"... I have been coming under fire again from those in the Hasbara/JIDF community and of course those who do not have two brain cells to rub together, with their usual hateful comments that I naturally either send to the spam pile instantly, or trash immediately..... I honestly do not have time for their stupidity and ignorance, and I will not give up my writings or change their context in any way...... I again do not bend for anyone, and I cannot be bought.... And for those who are somehow claiming that I may "hurt their feelings" or that I am not "politically correct", they can go fuck themselves and to take their "political correctness" and stick it where the sun does not shine!  Honestly, I am so sick and tired of all this "political correctness" bullshit, for I look at it as just another Jewish criminal attempt to muzzle freedoms and especially free speech....Well, onto my usual "last minute tidbits" to hopefully touch on a few subjects that I have missed so far in this rant.......First and foremost, I am absolutely NOT a supporter of Donald Drumpf by any means.  But I must state that due to the failings of the US "two party" system, it indeed is a choice between a psychotic murderous demonic Jewess scumbag, and Drumpf, for the Presidency..........I am amazed that the US is now sabre rattling against Russia at this time when you consider that the US is dependent on Russian rocket technology to get their satellites and other equipment into Earth orbit.  Basically if the US decides to try to play hardball with Russia, scam organizations such as NASA will indeed be fucked!.........Again, I noticed in my recent trip to the local shopping mall how much the economy up here in central Canada is truly ailing.   No one is buying anything simply because nobody has any disposable income today like they used to have in the not so distant past.  Is this another reason why there is this massive push for a new global war?  To try to save our economic mess?..........Even more reports this last week about how crazy Muslim immigrants in Europe are absolutely destroying European societies.   All I can say here is thanks a lot George Soros for fucking Europe up!  The worse part is that career criminals like Killary Clinton want to bring these same immigrants into North America to screw us up here as badly as Europe has become......That little border skirmish in Kashmir between Pakistan and India has fizzled at least for now.  Thank goodness, for again these two nations not only hate each other's guts but they are indeed armed with nuclear weapons.........Yes, I have seen and read the reports about former President Bill Clinton's escapades and how he basically got away with raping and destroying so many women's lives.  But hey, he of course had Killary to help in the coverup of his infidelity, and I do wonder what will happen to all those women and their allegations if that witch does become President?  People must remember how many innocent people "disappeared" and died by "mysterious circumstances" thanks to the Clinton crime family before, so just wait until Killary is in charge.......Amazing once again there has been little reporting on the still dire situation with the failed nuclear reactors at Fukushima Japan and how indeed the north Pacific Ocean is basically a radioactive dead zone.  But of course the Jew spew media has its attention focused so much on their cherished Killary and her insanity that they do not give a damn about how everyone is affected by that real disaster.........Yes, I saw a report this last week that states that Killary Clinton is actually a lesbian.  Honestly, who cares about that when you consider Michelle Obama is a male transvestite, Barry Soetoro is a flaming homo, Chelsea Clinton's real father is Webster Hubbell, etc, etc...........And yes, I did see the video about how so called voters have been purposely bussed around New York City to vote fraudulently over and over again in previous elections.  Honestly, does anyone actually think it will be any different come next month?..... It is indeed flu season again here in Canada, and once again I am witnessing stupid fools line up like dumb ass sheep to get their annual injection of vaccine poisons into their bodies.  But honestly, what can I do other that try to warn them?  And when I have in the past, I have been met with very bad opposition, so this time around I am not even bothering to try.  Yes, the brainwashing is indeed that powerful....... Arsenal wins a key game yesterday against Swansea City and now is only 3 points behind Manchester City for top spot on the Premiere League table.  Again, key games are coming up soon against both Manchester City and Tottenham Hotspur, after which we will see exactly how good the Gunners are this year........And finally, another shot at the great American love, the Kardashian family of skanks, sluts, tramps, misfits, etc, etc.  Apparently it is now almost 2 weeks since Kim's "robbery" in that Paris hotel room and the paparazzi is reporting she is still sullen and shaken.  I still have questions about that supposed "robbery" for starters, and all this sudden want for "sympathy" is pathetic and apparently just the want for attention by this skank.    Yes, Americans should be focused now on their nation on the brink of nuclear annihilation rather than give a crap about these frauds and misfits....More to comeNTS