PBC News & Comment: Presidential Campaign Descends into Sleaze, Disinformation

As Trump bats away multiple groping allegations, court sets December hearing on charges he raped minor linked to Jeffrey Epstein….--coverage by The Guardian is here
--Ken Silverstein’s report from January 2016 is here
--Nick Bryant’s original report is here
--as Trump’s poll numbers slip, he repeats concerns about the wrong kind of election manipulation
--Greg Palast’s new movie exposes the Interstate Crosscheck List, which will block many legitimate voters on election day
--NY Times amplifies the evidence-free claim that Russia is feeding WikiLeaks, and hypocritically slamming WikiLeaks
--more Clinton and Podesta emails surface, with private admission that Saudis are funding IS, and showing Podesta’s brother advises Saudis
--Podesta-Tanden emails show how much Clinton resisted admitting her mistake with email server
--Clinton, who served on Walmart’s board, asked advice from company lobbyist when labor activists demanded raises for workers
--campaign advisers set the stage for Clinton to support TPP if elected
--NY Times offers sequenced graphics and videos that depict the moments leading to the police shooting of Keith Scott in Charlotte, NC
--Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf is thrown under the wagon, retires
--Justice Department review of San Francisco Police Dept urges major changes
--Bob Dylan awarded Nobel prize for literature