Another US Taxpayer Shocker: Post-9/11 Wars Have Cost Nearly $5 Trillion (And Counting)!

In my last article, I put forward the disgusting information that the criminal US government was going to fleece their own taxpayers for $38 BILLION for their masters in Israel over the next 10 years... Considering how badly the US economy is doing and with so many Americans out of work or living in poverty and destitution, this action is so disgusting...But.... I just came across a most interesting article from the Activist Post website, at, that makes that $38 BILLION look like nothing at all... For according to this article, that I have here for everyone to see for themselves, the fraudulent "War On Terror" that was of course launched immediately after the Israeli Mossad attacks on America aka "9-11", has cost US taxpayers some 5 TRILLION DOLLARS and counting!  Here is the link to that article, and I have my own thoughts and comments to follow: Notes: OK, WHY are the American people allowing this outrageous fleecing of their pockets to happen?Lets face it... Most of that $5 TRILLION has absolutely been going to fight wars for the criminal and psychotic state of Israel... The entire "war on terror" is a farce and a facade, simply because the so called "terrorists" that the US government claims to be fighting are absolutely their own CIA agents and of course Israeli Mossad agents!Yes, this is an interesting revelation and shows how the US is financially bankrupt in fighting these illegal wars... And on top of this $5 TRILLION that has been wasted in these wars, we also have the estimated $6.7 TRILLION that supposedly was announced last month as missing from the Pentagon as well.....The facts are that all this money could be and should be better spent on rebuilding the failing American infrastructure at home as well as being used to create manufacturing jobs for those Americans that are presently out of work.... But again, the US government cares not about the very citizens that have been foolish enough to elect them to power and instead answer only to their Jewish overlords....More to comeNTS