PBC News & Comment: Do Dems Have Plan B? Will Trump Release Tax Returns?

Former DNC chair, and Clinton supporter Don Fowler says Dems need backup plan; billionaire pressures Trump to release tax returns--NY Times edgy op-ed headlined “The Bitch America Needs” draws criticism
--listening to Sean Hannity on radio, I heard clips of Bill Clinton from 1992 campaign using “make America great again” line
--US household income rose 5.2% in 2015, but still does not match 2007 levels
--Israel gets big increase in US military subsidies to $3.8 billion a year
--Facebook removes 95% of posts requested by Israeli government
--Netanyahu’s bizarre charge of Palestinian “ethnic cleansing” draws jeers
--Glenn Greenwald comments that Clinton supports boycotts of North Carolina, but opposes boycotts of Israel
--Syria claims its air defenses took out an Israeli fighter and drone, but Israel says these are “total lies”
--This podcast is available on YouTube  www.youtube.com/c/PeterBCollinspodcast
--independent journalist Gareth Porter explains details of US-Russia deal on Syria
--prisoners in at least 12 states have joined strike, reports Shadowproof 
--CIA whistleblower Jeffrey Sterling describes the segregation he faces as a black prisoner
--as Oliver Stone’s new film hits the screens, Ed Snowden is campaigning for a pardon
--Green Party candidate Jill Stein says pardon Snowden, now!