PBC News & Comment: Do We Really Need to Fight About Bathroom Access?

13 states sue over Obama’s “unconstitutional” transgender bathroom policy and Women’s Liberation Front calls it “outrageous assault on women’s privacy”…--Clinton and Kaine release 2015 tax returns, pressuring Trump to show his
--Clinton outlines her not-that-progressive economic plan, and talks about the rich as if she’s not a one-per-center
--NY Times notes that neither Clinton nor Trump talks about poverty
--due to intentional obstruction by GOP, Obama scrambles to find funding for Zika vaccine
--Inspector General confirms the often subhuman conditions in corporate-operated prisons, especially immigration jails
--yesterday, we raised eyebrows about the optimistic report on Islamic State forces by the Pentagon…members of both parties are challenging it
--tensions build between Russia and Ukraine over Crimea
--Ukrainian hackers leak data on Ukranian and international journalists, and they’ve been trying to break in at PeterBCollins.com
--Germany proposes new measures to address terrorism, shedding post-WWII civil liberties
--FBI provides info for Canadian mounties, leading to death of suspect they say had pledged allegiance to IS