Busted: Right Wing Blogs Blamed HIllary Clinton for Trump Campaign Manager’s Battery Chat Conversation End

Republicans will grasp any straw, or throw any Hail Mary to slime Hillary Clinton or try to deflect legitimate blame for doing wrong.
This time Republican lawyer Mark Cernovich blamed Democrat David Aaronberg without any rhyme or reason, for charging Lewandowski in his first story, “How Michelle Fields Conned Prosecutors into Charging Corey Lewandowski with Battery” on his ape obsessed “Danger and Play” blog.
But Cernovich didn’t stop there, doubling down on stupid, which is how he conned The Gateway Pundit into hoisting his bull crap onto its front page, with an even more salacious title: “Clinton Operative Files Bogus Criminal Charges Against Corey Lewandowski.”
But the right-wing blogosphere struck out today, falsely blaming Hillary Clinton for Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski’s battery arrest today.
Leave it to Republicans to conjure up a raft of lies to slander Florida Palm Beach County District Attorney Dave Aaronberg after their standard bearer’s campaign manager is arrested for Battery.
The lies got so thick, even The Gateway Pundit – one of Fox News’ sources – pulled their original breaking story entitled: “FIGURES. Prosecutor Who Filed Sham Charges Against Corey Lewandowski Is Part of Hillary’s Inner Circle” from the front page and replaced it instead with a story blaming the woman who was battered, which you can see below.
In an exclusive comment, Palm Beach prosecutor David Aaronberg told us the following: “Can’t comment on pending matters. He [Lewandowski] was charged through a Notice to Appear from the Jupiter Police Dept. Our office hasn’t received the case yet.”

And there you have it.
The Republican blogosphere’s lies debunked. From the source.
We’ve put screen captures of the sure to be retracted report from Danger and Play, and the original front page with Jim Hoft’s retracted gaffe on The Gateway Pundit down here, to leave proof of who, and where and why the worst Hillary Clinton lies and rumors start.
Look away from the images below if the stupid begins to burn.

The original, now retracted Gateway Pundit story below is in the first few pages of the PDF below as found in Google’s cache:
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The post Busted: Right Wing Blogs Blamed HIllary Clinton for Trump Campaign Manager’s Battery Chat Conversation End appeared first on PINAC News.

