PBC News & Comment: Justice Dept. Finally Indicts Some Bankers

No Americans or Wall Streeters involved as federal prosecutors file criminal fraud charges against 2 British bankers, Obama protection continues…--in Britain, crowdfunding provides resources to take legal action against Tony Blair over Iraq war crimes
--Meredith McIver takes blame for Melania Trump’s copycat speech, but Trump rejects her resignation
--in Cleveland, a parade of Trump kids and GOP leaders hammer Hillary
--Chris Christie played prosecutor to a mob jury, which alternated between chants of “guilty” and “lock her up”
--GOP speakers don’t mention Obamacare much anymore, as insurers plan steep premium increases for next year
--as purges continue in Turkey, Erdogan repeats demand for extradition of Gulen from US
--predatory phone companies sued FCC to keep rates for calls from prisons and jails at obscene levels
--in unusual article with no reporter’s byline, NY Times explores claims of “targeted individuals” including the alleged Baton Rouge police killer
--Israeli Knesset passes draconian law to permit expulsion of members, alarming Arab members
--8 ambassadors to Israel protest confiscation of Bedouin shelters in West Bank
--UNICEF warns that malnutrition is killing over 100 kids per day in Nigeria
--in dark commentary, Thomas Frank notes that the ruling class is ignoring anti-establishment turbulence in the world