PBC News & Comment: Trump Team Blames Hillary for Melania’s Plagiarism

In convention speech, Melania Trump Cribbed from Michelle Obama and Rick Astley; which is worse: plagiarism or “Rickrolling?.....--Trumpers blame Hillary for self-inflicted media bomb which undermined an evening of vitriolic attacks on Clinton, throws GOP off balance, off message
--parade of bad speeches repeated the same attacks on Clinton, with heavy focus on Benghazi
--on NBC, Andrea Mitchell and Chuck Todd echoed PBC’s long-stated view: there was a Benghazi coverup by CIA, and GOP fails to challenge overall Libya plan
--at “Fox News”, chief GOP propagandist Roger Ailes takes fatal blow: Megyn Kelly joins the chorus of Fox girls accusing Ailes of sexual harassment
--NY Times oracles make dangerous prediction: that Clinton has 76% chance of winning in November
-- protesters in Cleveland don’t get much coverage, but they are protesting fracking, the border wall, and more
--new study links fracking to asthma clusters at 4x normal patterns
--at The Intercept, Steve Horn and Lee Fang reveal that undercover cops infiltrated “Keep it in the Ground” protest group in Colorado
--videos and writings by alleged Baton Rouge shooter Gavin Long show that he was not affiliated with or inspired by terrorists
--in our in-depth interview, historical geographer Prof. Rashad Shabazz describes the “architectures of confinement” in Chicago that presaged today’s mass incarceration of blacks
--following release of memo on Saudi role in 9/11, WhoWhatWhy declares “official narrative on life support”
--US airstrikes reportedly kill 60 civilians in northern Syria
--Erdogan continues purge in Turkey after suspicious attempted coup
--in NY Times, David Sanger offers Beltway view of the coup, and in The Progressive, Stephen Zunes offers outside views
--Judge in Brazil bans What’sApp, as owner Facebook refuses to reveal user communications