WATCH: New York Police Arrest Woman During News Interview for Speaking Out

In a chilling display of police intimidation, Rochester police dressed in riot gear snatched a woman away as she was conducting an on-camera interview with a news reporter during a protest against police abuse in New York Saturday night.
“I’m not going to hit anybody, I’m not going to shoot anybody,” said the woman, whose name is not known at this time. “I’m going to speak to you, I’m going to use my words.”
“I’m going to articulate myself because the message needs to be heard, the message is important,” she expressed to Tara Grimes, a reporter for Time-Warner Cable.
“We don’t need this exact format, we need us to come out in numbers, we need more Rochesters.”
That was when five Rochester cops surrounded her and grabbed her, forcing her away, placing handcuffs on her.
“Oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God,” said the woman as she was being accosted.
The cops then led her away in handcuffs as the crowd chanted, “no justice, no peace.”
Police did not say why she was arrested but they will probably say it was because she was standing on the street after they had ordered everybody on the sidewalk.
However, the cops had blocked off the street, so there was no traffic on the street.
And Grimes was also standing on the street as she was conducting her interview but did not get arrested.
But police did arrest two reporters, however, along with more than 70 citizens who were protesting the recents shootings of Philando Castile in Minnesota and Alton Sterling in Louisiana, one of dozens of protests that have sprung up in cities throughout the United States.
The two reporters arrested were black, prompting accusations of racial bias from the Rochester Association of Black Journalists, according to the Democrat and Chronicle.
Grimes, on the other hand, is white.
Before she was being interviewed by Grimes, the woman was standing in the street yelling at cops, demanding answers, which we all know they do not like to provide.
“I need answers, There are so many cops out here but but zero answers.
“What do you want from us? What do you expect from us? Are we boring you? Is it boring?
“So you’re onto the next guy you pull over that you’re so shaken in yourself that you have shoot their bodies six times.”
So while she may have been standing on the street, we suspect the real reason she was arrested was because she criticized police.
And that will always be a crime in the eyes of police.

The post WATCH: New York Police Arrest Woman During News Interview for Speaking Out appeared first on PINAC News.
