PBC News & Comment: Is Hillary Clinton Really Opposed to Trans Pacific Partnership?

After DNC platform committee rejected clear statement opposing TPP, question becomes: is Trump more populist than Clinton on trade deals?....--Rep. Keith Ellison asks for support for petition to DNC to take strong position against TPP
--Brexit fallout continues in Britain, Europe amid widespread discontent with trade deals and open borders
--back in the Senate, Sanders leads opposition to “disastrous” Puerto Rico bill
--Clinton proposes plan to defer, forgive student loans for entrepreneurs and startups
--our pal Bill Black warns corporate Dems to heed the warnings in Listen, Liberal by our other pal, Tom Frank
--Istanbul airport attack kills 41, wounds hundreds as Turkey blames Islamic State, or was it angry Kurds?
--US Customs now asking for social media info on non-citizens who arrive without a visa
--Iran’s top general for 27 years is sacked by the Ayatollah
--Steve Horn notes that corporate media ignored Truthout’s disclosure that Obama administration approved 1500 fracking permits in Gulf of Mexico, some during oil spill disaster
--after judge objected, Cleveland relaxes rules on protest during GOP convention