Another Look At The Fraud Orlando Florida Shootings: New Video Exposes Shocking Facts About 'Shootings'

I am still troubled by the fact that most people simply do not get it... Over the last few days during my travels and even stopping off at my favourite coffee shop with friends and colleagues, I still hear most people talking about the fraud Orlando shootings of June 12th as being a real event.... I also found that trying to explain to most people that it was a fraud does indeed still fall upon deaf ears... Yes the propaganda and brainwashing done by the Jew spew media has been that powerful......I was sent the following video from a commentator just the other day, and the facts enclosed definitely blows the entire "shooting" to smithereens.... This video comes courtesy of "TruthMediaRevolution" and is entitled: "FBI Admits NOBODY Died @ Pulse...Before 5:13 AM! BULLSHIT! WAKE UP!"... This video again destroys the Jew spew media narrative about this fraud shooting and shows evidence that the first shots at the "nightclub" did not occur until some 3 hours after Omar Mateen supposedly entered the facility!  I have that video right here, and of course my own thoughts and comments to follow:NTS Notes:  Considering how much Judge Andrew Napolitano has come out and exposed so much corruption already in the US Federal government, I would say that what he is stating in this video to be accurate...What the facts in this video mean is that it was the FBI and the SWAT team that arrived shortly after the alleged "shootings" at 2am that did all the actual firing and killing some 3 hours later!   This also leads to what many have speculated that Omar Mateen himself did NOT do any shootings, period, and that the real shootings were conducted by the "SWAT" team that was probably the hit squad hired to make sure that no witnesses survived to tell the world the truth that it was all a sham....And this video again shows the laughably ridiculous "crisis actors" in action in all their glory.... And yes, it is illogical that these fools would be acting the way they did if Orlando was a real event.... Sadly, too many people have swallowed their bullshit...Lets face the facts here... Everything about this "shooting" in Orlando that has been portrayed by the liars in the Jew spew media and the US Government makes absolutely no sense at all.... There was no way in hell that Omar Mateen did any killings if there were any at all.....Of course what I find most peculiar is the reluctance of the officials in charge of investigating this "shooting" to release the supposed "911" calls that were made during the fraud "shooting spree" of Omar Mateen.... The facts should be simple for everyone here in that these liars need time to "doctor" these recordings and then release them to the general public claiming that they give "evidence" to the official story...But I can guarantee these recordings will be so badly redacted and made impossible to hear.... That will be done on purpose, and in spite of the blatant corruption and censorship will definitely be used to claim that the "official story" is indeed correct....And again, I am so disgusted that the majority of people still look at this Orlando false flag event as being real..... I do wonder what it will take to wake them up and have them realize that we do indeed live in a type of Matrix where reality is not as it seems?More to comeNTS