Brexit: Chicken Little Said the Sky is Falling! The Sky is Falling!!!

And yet, I look out my window and sure enough white clouds are hanging in my blue sky The sky has not fallen! Not that I expected it to. The media has done all it can to blame voters- rather then cite the many, many problems with the EU itself. The bloated costly bureaucracy that only serves elites, bankers and multinational corporations, which it was designed to do, at the expense of all others. Never mentioning the fact that quite likely life in Britain was better for the people before the EU, hence the outcome!Stated another way: If life was so great for Brits in the EU the Leave side would not have prevailed! Hilarious headlines about the Brexit vote! OVER THE TOP- Fear and insultsThe people who voted to leave are (insert insult from list below)*White*Old*Racist*Poor *Male*Unintelligent*Conspiracy theorists!! (yes, conspiracy theorists!!)*Losers*Concerned with ‘game of thrones’?*Suicidal*Putin lovers

Bad Whites! Embattled Whiteness Gave Us Brexit.The “Leave” vote was a move to reassert the racial hierarchies upended by global capitalism

Playing on the lie of “white privilege” Having lived my life white. And a woman. I can assure you it has not been a life of privilege.

How Might Brexit Affect People with Anxiety Disorders in the UK?

Oh, really?

Brexit is ‘disaster’ for British scientists and researchers

Grey Brexit vote angers younger Britons

Conspiracy theorists, rejoice: Brexit proves you don’t need the truth to win

Brexit will affect Game of Thrones & Love Island? Fans are worried it will!

Historian: Brexit vote was 'unnecessary act of self-harm'

Brexit: a supreme act of foolishness perpetrated by racists, bigots and small right-wing men

Brexit remorse: Brits frantically Google 'what is EU?'Michael McFaul congratulates Putin on Brexit results

Former US Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul said that the results of the Brexit vote in the UK has marked a victory for Russian President Putin too.

Andrew Coyne: With Brexit vote, Britain has entered a game it cannot win