Trump To Visit Israel?

Since I began blogging and talking about Donald Trump last summer, I’ve received many comments, emails, and other feedback from all sorts of people explaining to me that Trump is a shill, he is too close to the organized Jewish community, he’s not to be trusted, etc. I’ve published many of these comments here on this website, and I don’t mind being criticized. In fact, I encourage honest feedback and criticism.
From the very beginning, I’ve been arguing that Donald Trump’s candidacy is allowing people with our ideas to gain more influence and traction. And that is obviously happening. The Alt Right, which encompasses many of the leading voices in the White Nationalist community, has been very enthusiastic about Trump, his positions on key issues such as immigration and “free trade”, and his denunciation of political correctness, and has received tremendous media attention. The Alt Right is now having a huge influence in the political discussion, especially on the Internet, and that is a very, very positive development.
I’ve explained numerous times why I’m supporting Trump, even though I can’t say I totally trust the man. His ties to the organized Jewish community are certainly worrisome, and his ostensible devotion to Israel – epitomized by his truly cringeworthy speech at the AIPAC policy conference earlier this year – is downright disgusting. But, as I’ve repeatedly emphasized, immigration is the only issue that matters in this election, and Trump is rock solid. He says he wants to build a wall (and I believe him). He wants to place a moratorium on Muslim immigration. He wants to end birth right citizenship. His stance on immigration alone is enough for me to support him, despite all my other concerns.
An even more important development in this election season is the way in which Trump has fundamentally altered the political discourse in America. He has changed everything, hopefully forever. He openly stated that political correctness is destroying America and has thoroughly exposed the mainstream mass media (and political establishment generally) for the corrupt, dishonest, anti-American partisans they truly are. Again, this is a very, very positive development. Indeed, it is a revolutionary development, in my opinion.
That having been said, for the past couple weeks the Jewish press has been alluding to the possibility of Trump making a trip to Israel. As many of you know, the plutocratic Jewish billionaire Sheldon Adelson has announced his endorsement of Trump and has pledged millions of dollars to his campaign. Adelson and the Republican Jewish Coalition are apparently “laying the groundwork” for Trump to visit Israel this summer, The Times of Israel reported yesterday.
Of course, this has me concerned. If Trump is truly an America-First populist, he has no business going to a foreign nation and bowing himself before its leaders.

No need for @realDonaldTrump to visit Israel when he’s running for pres in US & puts America First – say no Donald!
— Realist Report (@RealistReport) May 21, 2016

Today, The Jewish Daily Forward published an article implying (but not confirming) that Trump will in fact visit Israel this summer.

Sheldon Adelson and the Republican Jewish Coalition reportedly are planning to bring Donald Trump to Israel.
The Guardian over the weekend quoted what it said were sources close to the casino magnate as saying that the RJC – one of Adelson’s major beneficiaries – was planning the trip at Adelson’s behest, although nothing has been finalized.
The RJC declined to comment and Trump’s campaign did not return a request for comment. […]
Many Republican Jews are wary of Trump because of his equivocations on whether he would be neutral in Israeli-Palestinian peace-making and on whether he would continue defense assistance to Israel. Also troubling to moderate Republicans are Trump’s broadsides against Muslims, Hispanics and women.
Trump canceled a planned trip to Israel in December after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu criticized the candidate for pledging to stop allowing Muslims entry into the United States. […]

What does all this mean? If Trump does end up visiting Israel, would it really change anything he’s already done and said?
It’s obvious there is somewhat of a civil war brewing in the organized Jewish community, even among Republican Jews, over how to deal with and respond to Trump’s candidacy and the likelihood he will be the next president of the United States. I think it’s safe to say that the vast majority of Jews would find a Donald Trump presidency abhorrent, largely because of his stance on immigration (“It’s like another Holocaust! Trump is literally Hitler!”).
Even many Republican Jews don’t support Trump, although Adelson’s endorsement may change that. Neocons like Bill Kristol and others are currently trying to organize a third party candidate to run against both Trump and Clinton. Jews like Adelson and others who are supporting Trump are trying their hardest to weasel their way into his circle in order to influence his campaign (and future administration). This is what Jews always do, so it shouldn’t surprise anyone, especially those reading this site.
As much as I’d hate to see Trump visit Israel and pledge his unswerving loyalty to the Jewish state (yet again), I wouldn’t be surprised if he made the trip. And frankly, it wouldn’t change my support for him either. Given the reality of Jewish supremacy in America, it’s expected that Trump – like every other candidate aspiring to high political office – will grovel before the organized Jewish community, make pledges to support Israel, and even visit the country and meet with Israeli leaders.
At this point, it really doesn’t matter if Trump visits Israel or is being supported by Jews like Adelson. He has already thrown a major wrench in the political and media establishment, exposing just how corrupt and deceitful the mainstream really is. He’s fundamentally altered the political discourse in America and has pushed the Overton Window further to the right than anyone else has in modern history. That is why his candidacy is so noteworthy and truly revolutionary.
Trump is not perfect and he is certainly no “savior” figure. However, he is definitely a step in the right direction and is opening up space for formerly marginalized ideas to enter the political discourse. His pandering to Israel is revolting, no doubt, but it’s to be expected. What matters is that our ideas continue to gain mainstream acceptance and that we make sure Trump follows through on his major policy proposals, particularly as they relate to immigration.
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