Arise O’ Africa

Arise O’ Africa and reclaim yourself!
Arise for you lie destitute in fragments!
Arise ye sons of mother Africa –cradle of mankind!
Arise at home and the Diaspora!
Come let us rebuild the motherland! O’ Africans!
For here lies the memory of the death
The vision of the living
And the hope of the unborn
Indelibly enshrined for eternity like the last rose of
Arise O’ Africans and reclaim yourself!
Arise for you lie destitute in dissection!
For the ancestors’ bones shall rise again
From the stump, a golden shoot towards the sun
True blood of our forefathers’ wits,
Come let us hoist a great nation, great Africans
A nation of a great people
A citizenry proud of their past
As well as in command of their providence
A destiny beyond the reach of mortal eyes.
Arise O’ Africa and reclaim yourself!
Arise, for you lie insolvent in disunity!
From the alien grips dislodge yourself!
And restore the Diadem amongst the races of the earth
And teach mankind that forgiveness is the lane of
Arise O Africa and reclaim yourself!
Rouse, for time now is our ally.
