Top 9/11 Criminals, Jewish Neocons Terrified of Trump Presidency

Over the course of the past few days, Donald Trump has been utterly savaged by the mainstream #cuckservative Republican establishment, perhaps best epitomized by Mitt Romney’s lame, uninspiring, and – truth be told – irrelevant speech attacking Donald Trump. The political and media establishment generally are going all out in an attempt to discredit and derail the #TrumpTrain. It’s laughable, and will utterly fail, in this writer’s opinion.
The Los Angeles Times editorial board recently opined that Trump is not fit to be president of the United States, while the Jew Larry Summers declared Trump to be a “serious threat to American democracy.” Michael Hayden, the former CIA director, boldly and entirely irrationally predicted that the American military may refuse to follow Trump’s orders if he is indeed elected president. Israelis and their loyal cousins occupying, manipulating, and exploiting the Western world are worried about Trump, with some hysterically lamenting that they “utterly failed to prevent the rise of ‘toxic’ Donald Trump,” according to a recent headline in The Jewish Daily Forward.
Trump has demonstrated once again that the entire political and media establishment – both of which are entirely dominated by organized Jewry and their subversive, anti-White agenda – are totally opposed to his candidacy and what he represents. That should be clear to all observers of American politics.
Making matters even more dramatic, a number of prominent 9/11 criminals – all of whom are Jews, of course – and neocons generally have all recently denounced Trump, as the Jewish Telegraph Agency reported today.

A number of prominent Jewish Republicans are among dozens of conservatives in the U.S. national security community who have come out against Donald Trump, the front-runner in the race for the Republican presidential nomination.
The letter posted Wednesday by some 60 influential conservatives in think tanks and alumni of Republican administrations lists the ways they say the billionaire real estate magnate would “make America less safe,” including “hateful, anti-Muslim rhetoric” that “undercuts the seriousness of combating Islamic radicalism.” It also accuses Trump of contempt for neighbors such as Mexico and allies like Japan while admiring dictators such as Russia’s Vladimir Putin.
Trump is feckless, the letter says.
“He swings from isolationism to military adventurism within the space of one sentence,” it said.
“As committed and loyal Republicans, we are unable to support a Party ticket with Mr. Trump at its head,” said the letter posted on “War on The Rocks,” a conservative foreign policy and national security news and opinion website. “We commit ourselves to working energetically to prevent the election of someone so utterly unfitted to the office.
A good portion of the signatories are Jewish members of the conservative national community, including Michael Chertoff, the homeland security secretary under President George W. Bush; Max Boot, a senior foreign policy adviser to Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., when he was the 2008 GOP presidential candidate; Eric Edelman, an undersecretary of defense under George W. Bush; and Dov Zakheim, a deputy undersecretary of defense under President Ronald Reagan. Eliot Cohen, a counselor in the State Department under George W. Bush, initiated the letter.
The signatories, notably, include both realists such as Zakheim and neoconservatives like Boot, representing two strands of Republican foreign policy thinking that are often at odds.
Jewish Republicans have been unsettled by the rise of Trump, who has said he will remain neutral when he approaches peacemaking between Israel and the Palestinians. […]

Regular readers of this site recognize the significance of individuals like Chertoff, Boot, Zakheim, Cohen, and Kagan hysterically denouncing Donald Trump – these men represent some of the top criminals responsible for both 9/11 and the disastrous invasion of Iraq, which Trump has eloquently and powerfully criticized as an unnecessary war based on lies.
As the war on Trump intensifies, America is becoming more and more polarized. I certainly do not view Trump as a savior or think simply getting him elected will solve the countless problems facing this once great nation. However, getting Trump in the White House will no doubt be a step in the right direction, and will push the political discourse in this country further towards positions outlined and analyzed here.
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