Week in review – water edition

by Judith Curry
A few things that caught my eye this past week.

Asia and Africa
Linking India’s #rivers: critics rally to protest plans [link]
A Deceleration of Sea Level Rise Along the Indian Coastline  [link]
The Weaponization of #Water in #Syria and #Iraq [link]
What Kenya’s biggest slum can teach us about saving cities from floods [link]
#Hydropower’s Future Looks Dim as Heat & #Drought Intensify [link]
“In order to comply with… EU we had to stop dredging …”  [link]
British Pathe – Floods Of The Past  [link]
Learning to live with floods will be key to UK policy review [link]
The impact of flooding lasts much, much longer than the media coverage. We need flood resilient homes & communities. [link]
UK Met Office:  What’s been happening with our weather [link]
Exploding some “urban myths” about Flooding  [link]
A Vital Look at Ignored Realities in Midwest Flood Zone [link]
Op-ed: Water rules show EPA’s overreach [link]
Greening the Los Angeles River – plans to store vital stormwater instead of gushing out to sea [link]
Love how commodities investor, facing corn/soy glut, pines for weather shock: [link]Filed under: Uncategorized
