Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, January 17th, 2016

 Sunday... Mid January, and time again for my weekly rant...Well, it appears that the term the frozen wasteland for this part of Canada is finally living up to its billing with temperatures this last week plunging down into the -30C range....That is of course -25 for you crazy Americans still on the old Fahrenheit scale.... Yes, this was expected, and shows again that the idea that the planet is "overheating" is a fraud.... I personally am sick and tired of the clowns that push the Global Warming agenda and continue to claim that 2015 was the 'warmest year on record' when in reality it absolutely was not....But again, the criminals behind the fraud need to scare people into the false belief in man made "Climate Change" just to get their fraud Carbon taxation in place.. And with the Global economies now in full meltdown, I would not put it past these crooks and liars to impose that new "tax" as a new source of revenue in these increasingly desperate times....Yes, the financial meltdown is not in full swing across the planet... The financial markets are now plunging even faster than the "plunge protection teams" can falsely prop them up, and world wide stocks are losing trillions of dollars in value almost weekly.... I and others saw this coming for a while and even though I had predicted the demise to happen much sooner, it is still my hope that everyone has at least put some emergency rations of food and water aside just in case....It shocks me that the liars in the Jew spew media are still trying to tell everyone that what is happening right now is simply a "correction" in the markets and that there is nothing to worry about... "Correction" my ass..... The facts are right in front of everyones' faces when they simply go out and see that nobody has any money for any purchases, period, thanks primarily to the criminals basically saddling everyone with so much debt and fraud taxes that they can no longer spend......Something amazing did catch my eye this last week that shows how bad the world wide economic situation actually is... Many sites over the internet reported a serious crash in the Baltic Dry Goods Index which of course determines the price of shipment of goods across the planet by sea.. And lo and behold but the Index itself is at its lowest value EVER.  This should have set off alarms for countries all over the planet, but that was not the worse of it... For reports have shown that over the last few weeks starting with the beginning of this month, there have been little to NO bulk carrier shipments across most of the oceans themselves... What that indicates is that countries are not shipping any goods anywhere simply because to do so is a money losing venture....And it means that most of our imported goods and especially imported foods from overseas suppliers are not being shipped because the ships themselves are sitting in harbours everywhere mostly empty.... The effect will not be felt locally for a few weeks, but come next month or as early as March we will see stores everywhere with no stock due to no shipments!  And of course with no goods to sell, many of these retailers will be forced to close their doors as well.....The domino effect could be catastrophic.....I will not be a doomsayer, simply because we are entering a period of economic upheaval such that the world has never seen before..Right now here in Canada the Canadian dollar currency is in free fall with the "Loonie" (term used for the Canadian Dollar) now falling below 70 cents in terms of its value to the US dollar.... What has troubled me about this rapid collapse in the value of the Canadian dollar is the simple fact that the US dollar itself is actually worthless, and therefore people living here in Canada should be asking themselves the hard question: "If the US economy and US dollar are such a mess, then WHY is the US dollar so much stronger? And why is the value of the Canadian dollar falling?"... I must say that the value is based primarily upon speculation, and for well over the last 1/2 century when economic woes arise across the world, many nations' governments and private investors suddenly turn to the US dollar for its perceived "stability" during times of trouble....That practice of buying US dollars during economic crises has always forced other nations' currency value to fall while the US dollar rises.....The danger is of course that if the US dollar itself collapses, then it will drag other nations down with it as well.... This is exactly what we are witnessing right now, especially here in Canada.....Yes, the US itself is in deep economic trouble, and the criminal US government has been desperate in trying almost everything possible to ward off the nation's collapse... And yes, one method that has always worked in the past to end economic panics and depressions is war..... Well, lo and behold, we have the US working with their "allies" in both Saudi Arabia and Israel in attempting to get a nice little war going in the Middle East against Iran as a way out of economic armageddon.... Of course just last week we saw that "incident" in the Persian Gulf with the three American ships what "mysteriously" lost their navigation controls and wandered into Iranian territorial waters.. The Iranians of course seized the ships and held the sailors for a few days before rightfully returning them to American hands... But of course the US Navy itself sent those ships into Iranian waters to "bait" the Iranians hoping the Iranians would take a few shots at these boats.. If the Iranians would have done the wrong move and fired on these ships, the US government would have called it an "act of war" and possibly launched strikes against Iran itself.... The Iranians would have retaliated of course, and we would have our nice little war started that the US so desperately needs to save its economic neck... Luckily for the entire world, there was no escalation to open war with Iran from that incident.... But as I stated in my last article about this "incident" these criminals will not give up trying to have a new "false flag" to blame Iran and have their nice neat little war going....Of course while that incident in the Persian Gulf took place last week, we find great news continuing to come out of Syria where the good guys, the Syrian army backed by the Russians and of course their Hezbollah/Lebanon/Iraq/Iran alliance of forces, has been seizing town after town from the fraud ISIS "terrorist" group and of course the equally fraudulent "rebel" groups.....The war for Syria has now turned into one where the remaining "rebel" and "terrorist" groups are on the run and again as I stated before it will only be a matter of time before either all of Syria is freed and the criminal US/Israel/NATO criminal cabal's dream of Syrian destruction is ended,....It is therefore no wonder that same cabal is still desperately trying to find a way into intervening into Syria directly to save its fraud "terrorist" groups from their destruction....  Of course these criminals have tried many different tricks to try to sway world opinion that Bashar al-Assad is somehow a "butcher" and that "Syria must be saved" by direct intervention, including the recent fraud of the villagers of Madaya Syria being "starved to death" by Assad's forces, but people are now more skeptical and are no longer fooled by the liars in our governments and media.....  The bottom line is that the criminal US/Israel/NATO cabal knows that it is now running out of time in terms of wanting Syria destroyed and Bashar al-Assad removed from power, and I will bet that we will yet witness a new and more deadly false flag somewhere on the planet that the compliant media and our crooked governments will again try to pin the blame on Syria or of course Iran.....Someone asked me a few days ago what I thought of that criminal US President, Barry Soetoro's "State Of The Union" address that he delivered to the sucker US people just last Tuesday... I did read some of the transcripts from that address and actually watched a bit of the video of his presentation... Honestly, just like other speeches from that criminal, this year's "Address" was so full of bullshit, lies, and falsehoods, that I could spend article after article ripping it apart.....Suffice to say, Barry is again trying to sell the image that the US is in good economic shape and that what it does around the planet is perfectly fine.. But the man is living in a dream world, and while the US economy has been crashing down for at least a week before he had the nerve to make that 'address', he actually had the gall to state that the US economy was in the finest shape it has ever been.... He also stated that the unemployment rate in America was at its "lowest in decades" and I wondered what he was smoking to make such an outrageous claim.....Basically, Barry is so out of touch with reality and listening to him speak almost made me believe I was listening to a lunatic......Lets just say that the entire "State of the Union" speech from last week was a fiasco and a comedy show... And of course I was not shocked to hear Barry talk about his wishes for gun control in America which is that criminal's real agenda.... Thankfully that may have been this psycho criminal's last address to the American nation...I did make one mistake last week in one of my articles, and YES I do make mistakes and will readily admit to them when they arise... I put up an article to a link to a report about the Chinese probes that have been in orbit around the moon and on the moon last year found NO evidence of the fraudulent Apollo moon landings.. Well, the report about the Chinese was indeed wrong simply because the Chinese landers and the orbiters were no where near where the alleged "landing sites" of the Apollo missions took place... Therefore the original linked report was indeed in error, and I discovered that error thanks to several commentators and my own further research... HOWEVER, the facts are still the same that NASA has never ever landed anyone on the lunar surface, and I explained why in my own thoughts and comments contained in that same article.....But of course I am still being attacked by the clowns in the "flat earth" group, and again I am standing my ground when it comes to those rejects... I must point out the fact that this "flat earth" group has suddenly appeared almost out of nowhere over the last few years, and it would make sense when you realize the billions of dollars that nefarious governments such as the US has spent into placing disinformation groups on the Internet with the sole purpose of destroying so many researchers' credibilities..... To me, these "flat earthers" are part of that disinformation effort... The sad part is that so many people have indeed fallen for their trap.... But sorry, clowns, I am not one of them and will not fall for the laughable notion that this planet is "flat".....There have been so many reports that have come out over the last week about the massive upswing in sexual attacks happening right across Europe, and yet most of those articles and reports still claim that the majority of the attackers are "Muslims".... I again must point out that sexual attacks and rapes are forbidden under Islamic law, and I must also once again point out that the majority of these "immigrants" flooding into Europe are not Muslims from the Middle East, but illegal migrant workers from Africa... I would bet that the attacks are indeed being done by either those illegal migrant workers, and/or agent provocateurs with the sole mission of again vilifying Muslims.....Yes, the situation with illegal immigrants and migrants flooding into Europe is indeed out of control, and we see the damage to European nations with not only increases in sexual crimes, but other criminal acts as well....  We are indeed witnessing most European nations being destroyed by the influx of these misfits and criminals and again I must point out that it is indeed done by design... The Jewish criminal elite has always targeted most European nations for destruction due to the fact that the majority of their populace are indeed white and the Jews have written right in their own Protocols that their main enemy and their threat to world dominion lies with the Caucasian race.... Sadly, most of the governments in these European nations are doing nothing to stop that destruction, but it makes sense when you realize that those same governments are either run by Jews, or their leaders themselves are Jewish......One piece of bad news that I have to share with everyone.. Turbulent Times with myself and my friend Whitewraithe will again be on hiatus for the next while due to the fact that Whitewraithe's computer is now fried and she cannot afford a new computer for the next while....  I have long considered doing the shows solo, but it would not be the same without Wraithe... I am crossing my fingers that she will be able to obtain a new desktop or even a new laptop soon and we will try to get the relaunch done soon after... I will let everyone know when that happens.....Well, I have touched on a few subjects of importance... And of course for others I will do my best to cover them here in my usual "last minute tidbits".......I have of course come under fire from a select few for my article at this blog exposing Donald "Trump" Drumpf as possibly working for the Jewish elite or being Jewish himself.   I found nothing wrong with that report, and it is essential that everyone understand that "Trump" may indeed be part of the Jewish game.  Lets face it, in that the Jews will never surrender their control over America, and if Drumpf gets selected as the next President, then he will indeed suck Jew dick as bad as the rest of them.......And of course we find psychotic Killary Klinton's campaign finally going into a tailspin as more allegations of her criminal activities have surfaced.  I can only say "Thank goodness" that the American people, though brainwashed as they are, may finally see how truly evil that disgusting creature is..........And speaking of Killary, it appears that the American people have a new Jewlywood "movie" that was just released two days ago giving a fantasy and fully fictional account of that Benghazi fiasco from 2011 that Killary and of course President Soetoro orchestrated.  Yes, the "movie" is pure fiction and its depiction of Benghazi is laughable to say the least.  My suggestion about this "movie"?  Save your money by not seeing such trash........Hammond Ranch "incident" in Oregon may be winding down, with revelations coming out that there were indeed agent provocateurs on the scene trying desperately to have the militia and the US forces fire on each other.  I stated before that the US government would resort to dirty tricks by using agent provocateurs to stir up trouble, but luckily the entire incident appears to be finally coming to a close with nobody hurt.....New revelations came out last week about Israel torturing Palestinians and particularly Palestinian children. News flash here: Israel has been doing that criminal action for decades including outright murder of these innocent people and only now people are noticing?  Its time for the entire world to finally see that the Israeli agenda has always been for the extermination of the Palestinians.....One important note about this economic crisis that everyone must remember.  Banks and criminal financial institutions can absolutely take all of their depositor's savings due to the rule change from over a year ago that changed the name of "deposits" and "savings" to "unsecured investments".  Reality will set in for everyone if and when this  present crisis deepens and banks start stealing money from everyone's savings accounts by declaring them to be "unsecured investments"!........It does appear that the Saudis are not "winning" their nice little war against Yemen, when now it appears they have called for help from other nations.  The United Kingdom has stepped in with their "assistance" in the form of "advisors" and even the Egyptians have agreed to send forces to help the Saudis.  Yes, it appears that Yemen has not turned into the cakewalk that the Saudis thought it would be....And I do still wonder why the world has turned a blind eye to the humanitarian crisis in Yemen where millions of innocent civilians still face starvation.  But we all know by now about the Jewish control over Saudi Arabia, and therefore any reports of mass killing of civilians will not be seen over the Jew spew media at all..........People of Flint Michigan poisoned by Lead laced drinking water due to their own municipal government wanting to save some money by cutting costs on their water supply.  That figures, and shows again how greedy politicians will do anything for money these days, even if it means the poisoning of their own people........Someone asked me about my thoughts on the death of David Jones (Bowie) last week.  Yes, I did like some of his earlier music, especially "Space Oddity".  It is so much better than listening to the garbage that fills the airwaves these days by far.   David Jones's music to me will particularly be missed, definitely......Arsenal plays another key game this morning against Stoke City.   A real logjam now at the top of the Premier League table with some 15 games yet to go.   I am crossing my fingers that the Gunners can prevail, but right now Manchester City seems to be their biggest obstacle.  Yes, I am indeed a big soccer fan.....  And finally, my look at that American Icon (nightmare) family, the Kardashians.   Well, it appears that I am not alone in my bewilderment as to why America is so enthralled by the workings of this family of trolls, trollops, misfits, and skanks, for someone sent me this article (link here) showing the top 10 reasons to hate Kim Kardashian.  The list is factual, and it could be said the same for the entire "family".   Yes, America is now indeed going to hell in a hand basket but people will ignore their demise while they concentrate on these trolls.....More to comeNTS