Sibel Edmonds Explains the Erdogan Takedown

Most important points: Erdogan is under the Gun. As has been mentioned here for well over a year now!  The Alt media is indeed singing from the same playbook as NATO- I've made note of that on any number of occasions-  

"We talk about the hypocritical and nearly-unanimous coverage of Erdogan’s abuses and how and why this narrative is converging now to finish the US/NATO task of removing him from office to usher in a more pliable puppet"

James and Sibel lament the lack of diverse coverage regarding the obvious and impending destruction of Turkey- Obviously they don't read my blog! Since I started talking this up and finally writing about it over a year ago! All the while taking a ton of flak for this theory. 

I disagree with Edmond's analysis regarding the Kurds being tossed aside- Used and abused. The NATO allied militias signed on to this destabilization and I don't have an ounce of sympathy for them! They will get their 'just desserts'. When you sleep with the dogs your sure to get fleas!As for the media commentary- It's all the same, anyway.Stay tuned for my analysis on Sy Hersh's piece.... Were going to talk Turkey and more.I've been working for three days on it. It will be the last post before taking a few days off.Trying to leave some good reading and listening for those who will stop by :) Don't Miss:

21st Century Wire: Gilad Atzmon Identity Politics and Pre Traumatic Stress

Porkins Policy Radio- The Case of Jeffrey Epstein