Why Has Canada NOT Withdrawn Its F18 Planes From Iraq? - Recent "Accidental" Bombing Of Iraqi Forces Was Done By Canadian Planes!

With the election of Justin Trudeau and the Liberals here in Canada to take control of this once free nation, the incoming Liberal regime has stated clearly that one of their first orders of business was to withdraw Canada's commitment to the fraudulent "war on terror" and bring Canada's 6 F18 fighter aircraft home... It has now been over 2 months since the Liberals have achieved power in Canada, and I and others are still waiting for that commitment... Basically the longer Canada continues to have these fighters in Iraq, the more likelihood that they would cause trouble... And it definitely appears that is exactly what just happened....Right now, I want to present the following report from the Fars News online, at www.farsnews.com, where apparently information has surfaced that the Iraqi column that was about to obliterate a fraud "ISIS" force attempting to escape last week was attacked by.... A Canadian F18 fighter aircraft!.... It is very shocking news, and I want everyone, especially those living in Canada, to read this report... I have my own thoughts and comments to follow:Military Source: Iraqi Army Positions in Anbar Province Hit by Canadian Fighter JetMon Dec 21, 2015 8:11   TEHRAN (FNA)- Military sources announced on Monday that the warplane that bombarded the Iraqi army's military positions in Anbar province on Sunday belonged to Canada's Air Force. The announcement came after Arab media outlets reported that a fighter jet of the US-led coalition has hit Iraqi forces' positions again. "The warplane that hit the Iraqi army positions in the city of Fallujah in Al-Anbar province was Canadian," the Arabic-language al-Soumeria news website quoted an Iraqi military source as saying today. Nine Iraqi Security Forces soldiers were confirmed dead in an errant US airstrike last week in support of ground troops in al-Naimiyah, Fallujah. Over 20 total deaths and 30 injuries have been reported in the incident.  The incident came as the Iraqi army had made great advances in Fallujah's Southern peripheries in Anbar province, and retook key buildings. Meantime, a lawmaker from the Iraqi Parliament’s Al-Muwatin (Citizen Alliance) coalition called for an immediate investigation into a US airstrike that led to the death of Iraqi soldiers. "We see that the Coalition air force strikes on Iraqi Army camps continue, coinciding with the victories of the army, thus in itself showing the frivolity of the international coalition against Daesh [Arabic acronym for Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant] and in efforts to eradicate terrorism," Mohammed Masoudi said. "Therefore, we reiterate our call for the Iraqi government to open an urgent investigation to clarify the circumstances of the incident." Iraqi parliament security and defense committee chief Hakim Zamli told Sputnik last week that Baghdad was planning to pursue the matter through the courts, holding the United States accountable for what it sees as a war crime. US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter later extended his condolences to Iraqi Prime Minister Haider Abadi for the deaths.NTS Notes: If this report is true, and there has been nothing forthcoming from any other news site to challenge its findings, then the Canadian government and military has a lot to answer for....Yes, this was a travesty, and some 20 Iraqi soldiers and 30 others injured are the result of Canada's folly....However, I am still under the suspicion that the "ISIS" forces that were trapped actually called in that airstrike to help them escape... Which again should show the entire world exactly how phoney this "ISIS" truly is, and how phoney the entire "war on terror" is as well....It is so obvious that the Canadian fighter planes in Iraq are NOT there to remove "ISIS" as the public is fooled into believing.. They are part of that evil NATO contingent that is working closely with the criminal United States forces for regime change in not only Iraq.. But in Syria itself.....It is again time for the Canadian people to get angry and demand that our government take these F18 fighter planes out of Iraq NOW!   Justin Trudeau made that promise months ago, and there should be absolutely no delay in fulfilling that promise....More to comeNTS