Third Anniversary Of The Sandy Hook False Flag Fraud Shooting: 33 (And More) Unanswered Questions On Sandy Hook's Third Anniversary!

Yes, today marks the 3rd anniversary of that absolutely phoney and very fraudulent "shooting" that occurred on December 14th, 2012 at "Sandy Hook Elementary" school in Newtown Connecticut.... It is so remarkable that some 3 years after the criminals in the American government and their shills in the Jew spew media pulled off this massive fraud on the American people that there are still fools out there that actually think that "shooting" was real..... It boggles the mind....To help those that still somehow believe that Sandy Hook was an actual "shooting" to finally get up to speed on what actually makes it a fraud, I want to present the link to a new article from the Activist Post website, at, that is entitled: "33 Unanswered Questions On Sandy Hook's Third Anniversary!" and is a must see by everyone... I have that important link right here and my own thoughts and comments to follow: NTS Notes:  I want to add a few extra points to that list of 33 presented by Makia Freeman right here:#34:  How could Sandy Hook Elementary School even be an active school considering the amount of toxic mold in and around the entrance ways? That mold was a danger to any children attending that 'school' due to its toxic nature. #35: Sandy Hook Elementary School, if it was even an active school, also did not have the correct parking lot set up for handicapped parking.. Parking stalls for handicapped persons were a requirement by all schools as of the early 2000's and "Sandy Hook" had none in its parking lot at the time of the shooting!#36: Gene Rosen was also a member of the Screen Actor's Guild... Which should have been a red flag for anyone, and gives credence to those who say that he and the others were indeed crisis actors involved in the scam...But to me, this guy is slime, and I do believe he was added to the "tale" for the purpose of trying to make a hero out of a "kind gentle Jew".....It definitely backfired.....#37: WHY was the company flying emergency helicopters not allowed to access Sandy Hook after the "shooting" to remove any "victims" more quickly to nearby hospitals?  The company was quoted as saying that nobody bothered to call!#38:  WHY again were the victims left in the school and allowed to basically rot away instead of being removed immediately?   And I too am troubled that the "parents" seemed to not give a damn about trying to rush to the school to get to their children... If I was one of the parents of a REAL shooting, I would try my damnest no matter what to get to my child!#39:WHY was the demolition crew that demolished the 'Sandy Hook school' PROP (Yes, it was a prop...) forced to sign a waiver stating that they would not divulge or reveal to anyone anything that they would see while tearing the school down?  Someone had something to hide, definitely.....#40: What ever happened to those other supposed "shooters" who were high tailing it into the woods near the "school" shortly after the "shooting"?   I do believe that they were to be part of the act, but the story was changed afterwards to a "lone autistic young man" doing the shooting.... Sounds just like the newest fraud shooting in San Bernardino where there were indeed "3 WHITE men" who did the deed, but the media and government quickly changed the story to "2 muslim husband and wife extremists".....#41:  What ever happened to the 26 "Sandy Hook" children that were at Super bowl XLVII and seen on natoinal television?   THAT is still a puzzle to this day.....#42: WHY have Amazon and other printing company outlets been trying to ban Jim Fetzer's latest book that blows Sandy Hook to smithereens, entitled: "Nobody Died At Sandy Hook"?  It is now 3 years after that fraud "incident" and we still find the shills out there doing their worse at trying to suppress the truth about this sham....I have the link to that amazing book via a PDF file right here, and I do recommend everyone read it!#43: WHY are there still shills out there in the alternative media and the so called "truth movement" trying to push the lie that Sandy Hook was real to this very day?   Honestly, even with the other frauds including the San Bernardino fraud, the Virginia fraud, the Boston Bombing fraud, etc, etc, staring them right in their faces, they still have the nerve to say that Sandy Hook was real?   It would not surprise me that they were paid off (estimates are that the criminals involved have given each person participating some $666,000 in blood money for perpetuating the lie...) and are now stuck with their lies.... I honestly wonder how they can live with themselves?There are so many other points that could be added to this list..... I, as a Canadian, cannot understand how the American people still do not get it that their own government will perpetuate these cons until they are able to seize the guns from the American people, or the American public finally wakes the hell up and puts an end to their criminality... We can still pray for the latter....More to comeNTS