The San Bernardino California Shooting Is A Fraud: New Updated Material Further Exposes The Hoax..

It seems that the San Bernardino "shooting" is now unravelling... It seems that the liars in the Jew spew media and even the crooks and liars in the US Government are rapidly being caught on all of the "official" reports from this shooting, and everyone is now fully aware that these reports just do not add up and do not make any sense.... It is still too bad that most of the American public still does not get it and the majority are just too stupid now to see that they are being played as fools...Right now, I want to present some fabulous new material that comes here courtesy of Jim Stone's website: Jim Stone Freelance, at This is an update of the material that I presented from his website just the other day and it blows the San Bernardino "shooting" to smithereens.... Here is that material here for all to see for themselves:Enough facts are in to paint a very clear picture nowThe histories of the supposed shooters may be fabricated. This is because when the reporters ransacked the house, they "found" this ID on the left here, notice how "Revenue" is spelled. There is no reason to have a fake ID like this, this is supposed to be a state work ID and if she did not actually have that job, there would be no purpose in having any ID for it at all. So this ID was forged, probably by the media and/or whoever staged this false flag.The lawyer that got assigned to this case ended up being a huge problem for the false flag crew because he ended up being a good guy. And he spilled a key piece of evidence on national television - that both shooters were found behind the back seat of the SUV shot to pieces and already in handcuffs. So this opens a huge can of worms that blows a lot of secrets, the story HAS TO go like this now:The couple was hunted down as they were out and about together, murdered, and stuffed in the back of the SUV behind the rear seat. Subsequently (and there is no other way this could happen) the SUV, which was completely modern and full drive by wire, was then remote control driven "Hastings style" and the police shot it full of holes until a bullet cut a wire somewhere and it stopped. The police reported the couple was in full combat gear, but in reality the wife (who was the only one shown after the police shot up the SUV) was in shorts, high heels, and a short bare tummy blouse. So the story about combat gear is a lie, and because the couple were already handcuffed, the story about "brandishing weapons and shooting at police" was also a lie, which is subsequently proven by the fact that the windows were rolled up when shot out.

THIS IS PERHAPS THE MOST IMPORTANT POINT FOR BUSTING THIS ENTIRE RUSE: In ALL photos and video, the windows of the SUV are rolled up yet shot out. Yet the police claimed they were receiving fire from assault rifles from this vehicle. If this couple was using assault rifles, they would not have been able to fire them through closed windows because the barrels are too long, it is impossible to be in a car and point one out the side with the windows rolled up because there simply is not enough room in a car to do that. And no one is stupid enough to try to shoot a gun in an enclosed chamber like a car with the windows rolled up, the back blast would be severe. The fact they were up in all photos is cold proof no bullets were ever fired from this SUV, all the bullet damage is from police.

So now we have a fake ID, an impossible shooting scene (they did not shoot from the vehicle as police claimed even if they were not found dead behind the back seat already in handcuffs) and because they were behind the back seat in handcuffs, we also are FORCED TO have a story about a remote controlled vehicle being shown on the news. There is absolutely no other way this can happen. And the fact reporters and neighbors were allowed into the home so soon afterward, before any real investigation could be completed, is the icing on the cake, if this was real this would have never happened, NEVER, IN ANYONE'S LIFE.Additionally, we have two SUV shooting scenes clearly shown on camera. If there was only one shooting, and one nut case Islamic couple, there would be ONE SUV shot up in ONE location, not two. 

There is a lot on this page now, for everything referenced above, complete with photos, scroll down the page. This is important stuff - this HAS TO be spread to bust this scam or the NWO will probably get America to support World War 3, the ALL THE WRITING WE NEED TO BLOW THIS SCAM WIDE OPEN IS ON THE WALL NOW AND YOUR FUTURE DEPENDS ON IT, ARCHIVE AND POST! 


Maybe that is why Alt media is under attack - the scammers of this last false flag are busted multiple ways!

Lawyer's testimony (for whatever reason they have one) confirms - those working the case closely and not affiliated with the MSM have confirmed that both were shot dead and in handcuffs long before the police shot hundreds of rounds into the SUV, and the SUV was probably therefore being driven via remote control for the TV cameras, which that particular SUV allows completely because it is full drive by wire. A little "Hastings action" here.BLOCKBUSTER: CONFIRMED: let me repeat this: The couple blamed were not even patsies and were not the shooters. They were murdered in cold blood beforehand (most likely because as I initially stated, both were state employees and the husband up until recently worked in financial auditing for the state, and was recently assigned to be a health inspector.)  Most likely this couple was chosen to be eliminated in this ruse (IF THEY ARE EVEN DEAD) because as an auditor most likely Sayed discovered something "inconvenient."

The lawyer's testimony is on video HERE

The couple's home has been ruined for all forensic work.

Over 100 reporters have been allowed in and no serious police investigation was ever done because real investigations take weeks, not hours. This is because the patsies are innocent, and the police/FBI and whoever else set up this false flag do not want a real investigation. WE NEED TO FIND OUT WHO THE LANDLORD IS AND IF THE LANDLORD IS A JEW. THE LANDLORD IS NOW OBVIOUSLY COMPLICIT, THERE IS NO CONCEIVABLE WAY THE LANDLORD WOULD ALLOW THIS TO HAPPEN WHEN THE RENT WAS PAID INTO THE FUTURE UNLESS THE LANDLORD SPECIFICALLY WANTED THE INVESTIGATION TO BE DESTROYED. THIS PROVES THE LANDLORD IS A SUSPECT IN THE REAL CRIME. ADDITIONALLY, THERE IS NO CONCEIVABLE WAY THE POLICE WOULD EVER ALLOW THIS TO HAPPEN, THEY WOULD HAVE NAILED THE PLACE IN MINUTES. THIS PROVES THE POLICE ARE COMPLICIT IN THE REAL CRIME AS WELL.Over 100 reporters have been through the house. The neighbors are looting it as well. This most likely proves the couple really was shot to death, and also DEFINITELY proves they are innocent because if they were not completely innocent the police would have had that house on absolute lockdown. After all, there were supposed to be explosives there, RIGHT? Do the police just barn door any place that could have explosives for any old cattle to walk through? HELL NO!GUILTY OF THE FALSE FLAG AND ALMOST DEFINITELY OF MURDER: The San Bernardino Police Department, Many of the reporters, and obviously this would have all been staged by the Jewish community via the FBI and Mossad for the sole purpose of making Americans hate Muslims, because the Jews are going to kick off world war 3 and want the Arab world destroyed so they can have their ERETZ ISRAEL. This will be difficult to accomplish if Americans do not hate Muslims. This shooting is NOT what they are saying it is folks, the fact the house was not on lockdown PROVES IT.The fact the bodies were already in handcuffs laying behind the back seat does not look very good either!

Media running scam after scam, Facebook page not legitimate

An alias was used to frame Tashfeen, there is no evidence whatsoever she actually set up the facebook page and "pledged to ISIS(tm) yet CNN is reporting it as real when they ought to know better.Next, I do want to present a great video that I came across today that gives a most interesting perspective of the Black SUV that was supposedly in a chase in central San Bernardino before it was halted by a "hail of gun fire" from the local police and SWAT teams that just so happened to be all in place (conveniently) at just the right time... Here is that video:NTS Notes: The material that Jim Stone presents blows this fraud right out of the water... It is so apparent now that the two "shooters" the so called husband and wife "team" that was in that Black SUV were definitely ALREADY DEAD and were loaded into the SUV handcuffed... The SUV was then remote control driven down that road in that so called "high speed pursuit" before it was stopped by the hail of bullets... But of course they blew it big time by having the Black SUV in two spots at the same time! (impossible)... The evidence of the mistake made by the criminals behind the operation is so apparent when again you note the SUV in one picture stopped by the side of the road with trees and yet in another picture it is stopped at the side of the road by the white picket fence... Honestly, it is apparent that they took multiple photos and decided to pass off what they assumed were the best without realizing that they came from TWO different locations....The video by "Juranism" is pretty good in spite of the fact that the focus should have stayed exclusively on the details ..... But the evidence of the set up for the entire "car chase" is so blatantly obvious....One minor note.. I could not help but notice that the roadway speed sign was flashing 40 miles per hour while this supposed "chase" was going on.. How noble of the apparent "gunmen" to keep their speed down in a "high speed" chase to try to avoid getting caught!  But of course if the vehicle was indeed remotely controlled, and the entire "chase" was a sham that slow speed of this "chase" makes perfect sense....And we have the reports all over the media today of the police and the MEDIA rummaging through the "shooters" home which would have never happened if this was a real shooting.. The media and the police ruined and destroyed vital evidence which in itself is a crime.....The bottom line is this "shooting" is such a horrific fraud, and it is now apparent that the crooks in the US Government and the Jew spew media do not even care any more if they are sloppy in these operations... They know that they can throw any lies out there and the stupid gullible American people will swallow it!  It is indeed a sad commentary on the mentality of most Americans that they actually think this and other fraud shootings were real...More to comeNTS