Vindicated: Paris Events Meet the False Flag Checklist

Originally posted on Jay's Analysis:

By: Jay

Already numerous patterns I listed in my initial analysis, as well as others consonant with false flags, have made themselves apparent in the Paris shooting and hostage incidents. Also apparent are the predictable results that follow these events. We have seen all of the following:

1. Mass mainstream media buildup and rollout, with ready-made “placards” to call global attention to event

2. Questionable videos and details of the event, as well as drills or security buildup prior

3. Military training for the perpetrators, while the “terror” suspects with deep state connections and rap sheets run free

4. A false dialectic of left versus radicalism polarizing public consumption of propaganda

5. Investigators and key individuals in the event end up “suicided”

6. Media quickly fingers low IQ duped patsies based on magical ID appearance (think 9/11)

7. More funding for militarization, surveillance and police state with media…
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