Trump, You’re No Bernie Sanders

Pontificating, vs. taking a stand,
Raucous Trumpery stalks the land;
Snake oil from billionaire blarney
Hornswoggles a gullible army.
Hunting up that last golden age,
Will folly ease Tea Party rages?
They guzzle carbs and lite beer,
Guffawing aloud at infantile sneers.
Who likens this clown to Sen. Sanders,
moral voice who rarely panders?
The Donald no more a populist
Than Bernie qualifies as socialist.
Facile pundits invent a fake fight:
Sanders the far-left, Trump far-right.
One wields shotgun, crude entertainer,
Bernie’s a real, reform campaigner.
Overlaying this comic whipsaw
Upsurges much ideological fraud:
Trump spouts disruptive wedges,
Sanders makes progressive pledges.
