Trying out Her Identity

Pawn tiredness
under the shades of unparalleled beauty
you’ll never find her
but her whereabouts are
with everybody
A very secret sun gives her light
out of reason rains pave her way smooth
when the cocoon turns a butterfly
blesses her like a mother does
her child
under that cold touch
years together
she strings up
those saved independent sorrows
which mixes with the
scent of Bakul1 flowers
Even then you wont find them
like those unsettled disputes
in whose facade those whisperings
are lost till now
Yet everyday you have renamed
like those exciting pet names you’ve called
like ancient evenings you
have mistaken people
for her
yet didn’t find her
like you

  1. Bakul — Medium sized evergreen tree in South Asia Bearing cream coloured scented flowers
