Pity Pathetic, Lying Republicans

Can satire defy unhinged gangs
Who spew xenophobic harangues?
What reason checks malignancy
Or offsets juvenile delinquency?
Ponder well the rightwing plight,
Halloween ghouls gushing fright:
Shock and awe to faith-driven brains
Already idling on the lowest octanes.
While trumpery spreads its manure,
Fanatics stay ideologically pure;
So thugs distort and counterfeit
Befuddling the addled and unfit.
‘Rogues’ mounting scientific hoaxes
Have nothing on rightwing roaches;
“Tho jammed with losers, we can be great:
Just batter barbarians at the gate.”
Gov’mint must foreigners invade,
Obscuring corruptions that degrade.
“Elect Trump, and we’ll all be winners.
Endless wars against pagan sinners.”
Shred taxes, never the oil subsidy —
Crony, trickle-down chicanery;
Nothing horrifies like Obamacare,
Still dripping with power to scare.
How best to filibuster history?
Defy questions rife with heresy.
Stuck dumb with debate amnesia,
Just eviscerate gotcha media.
Recall the ferocious candidate
Desperate to own robes of state;
Who crawl from trenches with aplomb,
No downside for lying, just looking dumb.
Yes, we know it’s hard to be green
Or save politicking from the obscene:
To ascend as top dog over crazies,
You must ignite a blaze of sleaze.
It ain’t easy being Donald Trump,
Slickly munching on Tea Party rump.
Or politicians with real careers
Who fabricate, to universal cheers.
The last-standing goon wins laurels
By outdoing the rote bamboozle;
Wing nuts who never master lying
Implode, all failed blitzkriegs dying.
So restrain your rage and angry fists
Against goofy contortionists;
Pity the infamy for such hypocrites
All but one chump must call it quits.
