Processing Distortion with Peter B. Collins: Putin Upstages Obama in Syria

Peter B. Collins Presents Journalist Pepe Escobar
In our latest conversation with this incisive, globetrotting reporter, Pepe Escobar describes Russia’s deft moves into Syria that expose Obama’s failed strategy and execution. Escobar reports that Russia has established a de facto “no fly” zone with aggressive bombing raids, cruise missiles and electronic dominance of its areas of operation. We discuss Putin’s description of the American “double game” in Syria, and the complications with nominal allies Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia. And Escobar describes the negative views of Obama and the US outside our corporate media bubble.
*Pepe Escobar is a roving reporter who writes for Asia Times, Sputnik and RT. His latest book is Empire of Chaos and you can read his latest article here
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