Daring the Impossible

A thousand beams of buried lies
hiding just behind those twinkling eyes
and it’s not a shock nor a surprise
when the truth bursts forth into the light
…but enough with all the silly rhymes
for while they might be fun to dance around with
this really is no laughing matter
More like a disaster
that comes to bear
as a tired witness
of the despair
born from a thousand years
of tragedies piled on high
when dropped from ivory towers
Bombs of broken apathy
disease a disillusioned populace
when the wicked wages of war
become too heavy a cross
to carry
Sad is the state
of abysmal affairs
spreading as a pestilence
across the earth
How long, Lord, how long?
There is no easy escape, it’s true
we’ve all these problems, and know not what to do
We whine and moan and blame each other
but no solution through such means is discovered
The only answer that’s worth a damn
is when united we decide to stand
To pluck both the apple and the mote from eyes
behind which our oppressors hide
But there I go again with rhymes
when words are meant to be drawn as lines
Upon the sand to be clearly seen
by all those of us who still dare to dream
About a time born so soon now
when faith and hope are fully allowed
To enter unto the hearts of Man
as we come together with a foolproof plan
That breaks the chains with which we’ve been bound
and opens our hearts to the holy sound
I’m not afraid to sing such a song
for I know there are others who will sing along
As together we raise our voice on high
and give peace on earth one final try
– Recording of “Daring the Impossible” via audioBoom
